L - P

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Letter nine.

Status: unsent.

Current location: the fireplace in the school common room.


I will never send this to you. This is only a way for me to get my feelings out and nothing more.

Narnia changed us. I thought it was for the better, but it's made you angrier. You fight someone new almost every day. I didn't even know there were that many people in these schools. You're going to run out of strangers soon. What then? Am I next? Susan? Lucy?

You never seem to have time for us. I just want you to hold me. Give me a fucking hug once in a while. I would never really swear in front of you, but good god do I want to sometimes. Tell me you love me. Make me feel like maybe I have a reason to wake up in the morning. Oh wait, I don't have to, because I never sleep! The stupid fucking nightmares won't go away again and I can't even tell you about it! I hate this! Honestly, sometimes (most of the time) I just wish I wouldn't wake up. Ever again. Fuck life.

Forever yours,


lilith swearing is my aesthetic.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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