L - P

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Letter thirteen.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Peter's box of letters.

My dearest Peter,

You have no idea I'm writing this. Wait, now you do. I told you not to look, dingbat! You've now ruined the surprise. Shame on you.

We're studying for your English exam in the library right now. Your surprise for my birthday is still on my finger. I don't think I'll ever take it off.

I can't wait to be eighteen again. I wish to be married to you. And as we've already discussed, I think Caspian would be a fantastic name for our son. Much better than Peter Jr. And Marie is beautiful too. I wonder what we should do for middle names? Helen, of course. Your mother is an incredible woman. Would you want your father's name as a middle name, too? He's very brave, and I think he would appreciate it. If we used Ed's name I don't think he'd ever call the baby by it's first name. And we'd probably only be able to use one of your sisters' names, unless we called our daughter Marie-Lucy or Marie-Susan. I don't really like either of those. We'll discuss it later.

I'm writing this instead of saying it: you need to stop kissing me! This is your worst subject! Not that I don't appreciate and love kisses, but you and I both need to focus. Seriously!

God, I love you. You're perfect.

Yours for all eternity (and more),


yes, he gave her a promise ring for her birthday.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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