L - P, H, S, E, L

579 20 0

Letter four.

Status: delivered and read.

Location: Peter's box of letters.

Dearest Peter,

The idea of notes from everyone was fantastic! I will cherish them forever. I miss you all so much. I hope you always know that.

Your mother did indeed include the date and address, and they work for me quite well. I look forward to seeing you all again.

I've been told in everyone but your mothers' notes that you have been having a hard time understanding A Tale of Two Cities. I don't blame you, dearest. It's quite the book. It took me a few tries to understand. And Lucy is looking forward to you reading it to her. Maybe try reading only the parts you understand? I'm sure she just wants to spend time with you. They all do, my love.

I've put the necklace in here. Please wear it and think of me. Think of my love for you, if you ever forget. Because I truly, utterly adore you. I would marry you the next time I saw you if I was allowed. I can't wait until we're eighteen again. I want to be married to you so bad.

Here's a quote from the book that I feel for you. Actually, it's a couple. Don't mind me.

"[...] I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul. [...]"

"[...] And yet I have had the weakness, and still have the weakness, to wish you to know with what a sudden mastery you kindled me, heap of ashes that I am, into fire- [...]"

They are quite beautiful, no? Believe it or not, this is Sydney Carton speaking to Lucie Manette, not Charles Darnay. If you continue on you will understand better. Though I do not think we are like Sydney and Lucie, I think what he feels for her is quite beautiful.

Please don't fall apart because you miss me. I need you to be there for your siblings, which you're doing a wonderful job of so far. You should go out with Susan and Lucy, and attempt to make Ed do something fun. He'll appreciate it in the long run.

I love you. I miss you. I'll see you again soon.

Yours for all eternity,


Lilith's note for Helen.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: unknown.

Dear Mrs. Pevensie,

Would you prefer Helen? I'm sorry if I've addressed you wrong, I just wish to be the most respectful I can be. Thank you for giving life to so many people I hold so close to my heart.

I'm so excited to come see you all in Finchley, and meet you for the first time! I fear that your children will have painted a rather rosy picture of me, as I'm sure I would of them. I tried my best to be a good influence, especially on the younger three. Peter was harder to teach any lessons to, but I'm sure we all took something away from our time together.

I'm sorry you had to hear about me so much at supper! I did not think I could be such a good topic it would take a whole meal to cover me. I hope you do not think I've stolen the minds of your children. I miss them just as much - if not more - as they miss me.

I promise I have no plans to break Peter's heart. Breaking his would mean breaking mine, and it would send my whole world topsy-turvy to not have him in it. Please know I adore all of your children wholeheartedly.

I'll be seeing you at the train station. Thank you for the ticket! Take care.



Lilith's note to Susan.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: Susan's drawer of memories.

Dearest Susan,

My darling, I am so proud of you. You've done such a wonderful job from what I've heard. Please keep singing and laughing. If not for yourself, then do it for me.

I think you have always been beautiful. Anyone who can't see that is simply blind. Don't spend too long fretting over boys, because I promise most of them aren't what you think.

I appreciate you learning the song. If Peter gives up the book, I think you might enjoy it. It's got more 'proper' language than most books. Please give it a read if he's finished with it.

Something I learned in the fifteen years we were together is that Ed needs distractions. I've heard he's been mean, but that's because he can't figure out how to control his own life. Maybe a scavenger hunt, or even just a walk would do nicely. Show this to Peter and tell him I'm insisting he goes with you. Please, darling. Go.

If that didn't do the trick, I don't know what will. Anyways. I miss you. I love you lots.



Lilith's note to Edmund.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: unknown.

Dear Edmund,

For someone who didn't know what to do, you did surprisingly well! And yes, Peter did take the chance to embarrass you, but he embarrassed himself as well. I appreciate you giving him your extra pillow. Don't listen when he swears!

I hear you've been mean to Lu again. I understand why you are. I miss you all so much as well. But please, try to be nicer to her. For me. Or for yourself. I love you, Eddie.

I hope I made you flush with that part! But I really do. I miss all of you so much. My little siblings and my husband. I'm going to give you the tightest, most embarrassing hug when I see you. It will be soon, I promise.

I miss you lots. Love you dearly.



Lilith's note for Lucy.

Status: delivered and read.

Current location: unknown.

Dearest Lucy,

I'm proud of you all. Remember that always.

I've written things for both Peter and Edmund. I hope they take the advice I've given them, as it may even benefit you. Please don't take Ed's being mean to heart. He loves you, as we all do. He just isn't the best at dealing with his feelings.

I miss you so much, my dearest. I'm glad Susan's been singing you the song. As soon as I see you again I'll sing it. And I'm looking forward greatly to that hug.

Take all the time you can to be with your family. They love you very much. I think you all need to be there for each other when I can't be, so please do. Be there for each other, I mean. I'll see you all soon, yes?

I love you very much. Stay strong and keep smiling.



eek. i honestly jut want to get these all posted and be done lol. 

i changed the layout for the chapter titles. other than the fact that lilith and lucy both start with an l, it seems to make more sense to me. and look nicer. yee. 

i hope you have a great day/evening!

-cecily <3

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