L - L

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Letter nineteen.

Status: delivered.

Current location: Lucy's grave.


You aren't really gone, are you? You can't be. My strong little Lucy Pevensie could never be gone so early. You're such a pretty young woman, darling. I can't imagine why you'd ever want to change. Is that what you needed to hear? Lucy, you must come back. Please.

You would love my son. Caspian Peter Edmund Pevensie. I would have squeezed your name in there if there was more room. He's so sweet. I feel he'll turn out like you, Lu. He'll do fantastic things in his life, just as you did. You were the first of your family to have an actual conversation with me, remember? And I used to read you A Tale of Two Cities before bed. We would swim together in Narnia. Every morning. Why did you leave me, Lucy? How could you?

Susan misses you all. She doesn't believe the bit about you being in Aslan's country. I know you are. There's no better place, and no one more deserving than you. Well, maybe Reep. Only joking. You said he was there. How is he? I miss him. And Caspian's father would be there too, yes? Tell him his son is one of the best people I've ever met. I miss Cas. If he's there, too, tell him I named my son after him. He'd probably laugh. The thought gives me a little comfort.

Honestly. I don't know how people expect me to move on. I've lost over half my family. I've lost my soulmate, my sister, my brother, my parents. God, I miss you. Please come back. Come for my little Cas, my Marie. They need you too. Please.

I love you, Lu. My children love you. Susan and her fiancé love you. We all need you. Come back.

All my love,

Lilith Pevensie

oh boy. you might hate me more in a minute.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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