M - L

407 18 3

Letter twenty.

Status: delivered.

Current location: Lilith's grave.


Why'd you have to go, too? I miss you. It's been one month and nothing hurts less.

I'll be twenty in two months now, mum. It's too bad you never got to see it. Cas just turned fifteen. I gave him the present you had under your bed. You wouldn't have had one for me yet, would you? Maybe you can give me one now. Let me see you, dad, Aunt Lu, Uncle Ed, Grandmother and Grandfather once more. I miss you so much.

You couldn't have picked a worse time to go. Cas is so moody lately. He always gets in fights. You told me dad was like that at his age once. Maybe all Cas needs is a good trip to Narnia and a girlfriend to set him straight. That worked with dad, right? He looks just like him. Every time I see a picture of you and dad together I think it's Cas. He misses you, too. I made him write a letter too. He hates it. I can hear him stomping his way up the stairs now. I don't know how to take care of him, mum. Please send a message.

I think I've managed to get Aunt Sue to start believing in Narnia a bit again. She's been having me and Caspian take care of Anne-Lucy. I tell her all the stories you told me. There's a lot of you and dad. Those seem to be her favourites. Either that or she hates them and falls asleep because she's bored. I sing the song dad used to sing to me, too. She loves it. Aunt Sue looks like she wants to cry every time I start singing. Caspian always looks bored, but he's asleep by the end too. I've taken Anne-Lucy on lots of walks in the park, too. I found an odd message on a tree. LC + PP in a heart. It was you and dad, wasn't it? Your last name used to be Chapman.

Richard misses you a lot. He's been very supportive of me lately. He's almost been too nice, given that we're only dating. I hope he sticks around. He would be a nice person to co-parent with. Not that I'm ready to have kids! But someday. And Cas likes him. Aunt Sue does too, and though Anne-Lucy is still very small, she seems to like him as well. I think that's a good sign. You only met him the one time, but you liked him, right? Do you think dad would've liked him? I think so.

Seriously, mum. I miss you. I can't even bring myself to read the letters like you wanted. Aunt Sue says you wouldn't be disappointed, but I know you better. You always told me to be strong, and here I am. I cry myself to sleep nearly every night. Caspian hates me. I just need you back, mum. Please.

I love you. Tell dad, Aunt Lu and Uncle Ed that I love them, too. I miss you all so much. I hope you're proud of me.


Marie Pevensie

oopsies. i think i listened to dorian by agnes obel while reading this and cried slightly. enjoy.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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