S - L

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Letter twenty-two.

Status: delivered.

Current location: Lilith's grave.

Dearest Lilith,

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

I remember now. Everything's been coming back to me since Marie started telling the stories. I remember when Peter asked Lucy about how you got her to sleep that night at the professor's house. As soon as she said something about a lullaby, he demanded to know it. He sang and hummed it to himself almost the whole time until we found you. That song was one of his favorite things he learned when we were in Narnia. Every time Marie sings it I think of him. He truly is in Aslan's country, isn't he? I hope Aslan's taken good care of him. And you, and Lu and Ed. You all deserve it.

I've been trying to keep Marie and Caspian occupied. Cas seems to hate it, but Marie is very polite and does anything I ask. Sometimes I overwork her. She often falls asleep on the couch with Cas. They remind me of you and Lucy. Remember the first Christmas you were with us, when you fell asleep on the couch together after presents? I think that's when dad really decided he trusted you with Peter. I'm glad he did. We needed you.

I miss you a lot. Anne-Lucy misses you, too. She only knew you for a very short time, but she knew you well. I'll make sure she remembers you, just as you did with Peter, Edmund and Lucy. She'll know them, too.

Please know I miss you. It hurts to see Marie and Cas sometimes. They look so much like you and Peter. I love them, just as I love you. I'll do my best to take care of them. It's too bad you won't be there when Richard proposes. In the absence of her parents, he asked me for her hand. I said if she would like to, I give my full permission. I think she would like to. Then he can help her take care of Cas until he's ready to go out into the world. It will be a beautiful proposal, I'm sure. You know what he's like.

I love you. I love Peter. I love Lucy. I love Edmund. Please tell them that I'm sorry.

Love from,


i think susan deserves redemption, so here we go.

i hope you have a great day/evening!

- cecily <3

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