Chapter Sixteen - Angered Sisters, Mysterious Places

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Chapter Sixteenth - Angered Sisters , Mysterious Places

"Emma!" I yell from across the parking lot. Emma was currently sitting on the hood of a car that belongs to no other than, Liam Peterson. The schools player and drug dealer. Emma looks up from her phone at the sound of my voice, her eyes lock with mine for a brief second before her attention is turned to Liam. He whispers something in her ear which causes Emma to roll her eyes at him before pushing him away and jumping off the hood of his car.

"Hey Belle what's up?" Emma tells me once we're standing next to each other.

"Why where you with Liam?" I ask her getting right to the point.

"He's my fiancé." Emma tells me with complete seriousness in her voice.

"What in the flying ducks are you talking about! Your 16 for ducks sakes! And he's a pot head you can't marry him and have his pot headed babies!“ I yell as Emma laughs a bit before saying.

"Chill out girl, I have him for the class where you get married and he's my 'fiancé'."

"Oh well that makes sense, I guess that's what Jane meant when she said you were hiding something.” I said as we walk towards my car. From the corner of my eye I can see Emma stiffen for a few seconds, but before I get a chance to ask her what's wrong Collin and James step in front of us blocking our path.

"Hey you found Emma." Collin tells me and apparently bringing Emma out of the haze she seemed to be in.

"You were looking for me?" Emma asked me.

"Michelle and Jane put an ink bomb in my locker this morning. That wasn't why though, Jane called you a slut and told me to tell you that she's watching you." Before I could continue, Collin apparently decided to take the matter into his hands.

"Jane says that you have a secret, and that’s its good enough to ruin yours and Bella's family.” Collin tells Emma. They're eyes were locked together the whole time he was speaking. After a few seconds Emma shakes her head lightly before looking at me.

"What the fuck Bella! I'm not hiding shit! You're my sister for crying out loud you’re not supposed to believe what some low life bitch tells you! “Emma screams gathering all the attention from fellow peers exiting school.

"Calm down Emma, don't yell at Bella like that! You can't blame her! If you were in her position you would have wanted to find out what Jane was talking about also. “James says stepping in front of me and Emma.

"Oh suck my dick James! I would've believed that my sister was better than what some skank had to say about her! “Emma yelled at James while shaking her head in disbelief.

I stepped around James and quickly tried to explain to Emma what really went through my mind at that moment.

"Look Emma it's not like that, it's just--” I was interrupted by Emma throwing her hands up in the air.

"Whatever. I don't care. See you at home. “Emma says as she turns around and begins walking back into the school.

"Where are you going?” I yell at her.

"Don't worry about it!” She yelled back as she entered the school building.

"I'll go catch up to her and talk some sense into her.” Collin tells us as he takes the keys from James and quickly followed where Emma went. Leaving me and James alone.

"Do you think she'll be alright?” I ask letting out a tired sigh.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, plus Collin is with her, her mood will surely brighten up." James said putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. I wrap an arm around his waist and rest my head on his arm, since he was at least a head taller than me, I don't reach his shoulder.

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