Chapter Twelve- Awkwards Car Rides, Storytelling Part 2

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Chapter Twelve- Awkward Car Rides, Storytelling Part 2

I can't freaking tell them my story with Allen being just an ear shot away! No one, but Michelle and Allen know the full story and that's because she was a part of it and he was a stand by watcher. Emma knows my uneasiness so before I start my story I whisper to her, "Tell me when you see him coming this way." She nods her head and I look to see everyone, but James and Collin have their heads down. Everyone else knows parts of the story, but no one ever knows the full story unless you hear it from the actual person. Maybe this is a mistake. Some things just aren't meant to be said in this world especially not in public. Before I can back out Justine squeezes my hands and tries to give me a weak smile and I said her one back too. She mouths go on. I take a deep breath before I open my mouth to speak.

"Michelle and I were childhood best friends. From the day we could talk we meet each other. We were there for each other in our bad and good times, but unlike me Michelle was always a closed off person. She was very anti-social and I was the closest she had to a sister her age. Of course why do you want a best friend if you can't even trust them with your secrets?" I said looking at both James and Collins.

"So I being utterly foolish told her every little thing about me, I told her embarrassing things and the most hilarious things. She knew me like an open book. After I told her my secrets she started becoming more social. She told me a few of her secrets, but not as much as I told her and I didn't think too much of it. So the years passed by and we we're in eighth grade now so me and Emma were already friends and she had already gotten her revenge on Jane by now. What I didn't know was that I was next to go down. Jane and Michelle had a secret friendship since fifth grade. I didn't know how clueless I was to not see it.

I didn't realize the changes in Michelle's eyes, the way she acted differently, or the way that she always had that glint of mischievous in her eyes. The first day I realized it was when me, her and Allen we're hanging out one day at my house. My mom had left me already, but I didn't want anyone to know about it. I was humiliated to have the person I loved the most end up abandoning me at the middle of the night," at this Emma scooted her chair over to me and started rubbing circles on my back to try and calm me down.

I let out a shaky breath and looked down as I played with my fingers nervously. "None of you know the real reason why my mother left and obviously the witch herself knew why." At this everyone's heads shot up and looked at me with confusion, surprise, and distress. I continued, "My mother left me because she never wanted to have a daughter. She wanted to travel the world and live the life she always wanted...without kids. I obviously completely shattered her dreams and she thought that she could live with it. Apparently she thought wrong.

"What my father and I didn't know was the fact that the past two years she had been sleeping around with the same guy and she was now pregnant once again. She and my father argued that night and she said that she rather have a kid with the one she loves than to be with the man she she doesn't to take care of a child she never even wanted." My voice starts to crack and my eyes blur with tears, but I force them back. I look up again to see everyone with upset expressions. I'm not one to cry. I'm not a crier, I'm a fighter and I won't let these people see that I'm weak even if they're all my friends.

"Michelle and Jane decided to come up with a plan to ruin me since I had ruined Jane. Michelle never liked me and what I didn't know was that Michelle had a crush on a nerd, Luke Wade. She decided to blackmail me into keeping my secret safe. I was willing to do anything to provoke anyone from finding out. I was stupid at the time so I didn't think about them finding out in the future. I was simply thinking about the present so Michelle told me that the only way I could keep my secret safe was to expose use Wade's secret." I said surprised at how steady my voice is.

"Wait wait wait. So you're telling me she wanted you to expose her crush?" Collin asks.

"He had a girlfriend at the time so she was jealous. Since she had my secret she decided to make me do all her dirty work. Eventually I found out his secrets with a help of a few... connections. I printed his secrets on flyers and spread them around the school with Michelle watching my whole move to make sure I didn't go back and pick them up before the bell ring. She kept me under her watch the whole time. When Michelle wasn't around she made sure that Allen would watch my every single move. I was never alone and they both forced me to watch as he walked down the hallways seeing him and his secret on a page in the hallways. Everyone was making fun of him. That day he lost his dignity and his girlfriend. A few days later on the school announcements Mr. Marshall states that Luke committed suicide.

"They all increased their watch on us since then and they made sure to find out who it was, but Michelle covered our tracks perfectly. She blamed me for it every day and so did Allen. They said it was all my fault and wrong doing. It was mainly my fault, but there was also the part that was Michelle's fault. I hate myself every day and ever since then I've tried becoming the nicest person I can be i try and redeem myself from it, but no matter what I do. I-I-I still feel the guilt tearing me apart every single freeing day of the week." I sigh and look down at my knees. I'm shaking uncontrollably and Emma takes me into her arms and comforts me, but it doesn't do any good.

"When did he die?" asks James in a quiet voice.

"January 18th, 2013."

"But that's..."

"Today," I finish for him. "He's been gone for 2 years."

I scoff, "You know in the end it was all for nothing. Michelle told my secret out anyway as payback. She was dethroned because of her witchy ways and somehow everyone looked up to me even when I didn't deserve it. "

"That's a damn lie and you know it," I hear someone say.

Sure enough it's the witch's king himself. "What do you know anyways? It's not like you know the whole story. Besides Michelle probably corrupted your mind with idiotic lies. That's what she's known for." I spat back at him.

"Yeah sure my girlfriend is the bitch and you're the innocent angel. Please give me a damn break. You've always been jealous of her because she got the not thing that you've wanted and you don't like that. You've always gotten everything you've wanted became a stupid spoiled brat." He spat back.

"Oh yeah? I'm the spoiled brat? You know that's a damn well lie and supposedly you were the one who knew me better than anyone considering that your 'family'. And what's that thing that she got and I didn't?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb. Me. I know you had a crush on me before and the minute me and her got together you pushed me away!" He raises his voice now.

I get out of my chair now and get looks from a few people as I stand. "Well guess what I wouldn't date you even if you were the last human being on earth! You're just like her shallow, conceited and stuck up. I rather be alone than to have contact with anyone who associates with her. At least I know I can trust Justine, but you? You tell her everything even if it's not your shit to tell!" I shout at him now, but I don't care anymore.

"Oh really? You can't trust me? Why don't you ask Justine what her last conversation consisted about, hum? Because from what I know she told your friend Michelle about James and Collin here. How do you think they found out about them within a day of them being here because surely they aren't the gossip of the school like they normally would be?"

"Justine wouldn't do that." I turn to her and ask her. "Did you?"

She doesn't answer, but clearly has guilt written all over her face. I shake my head and turn to Allen, "Well popularity has a price to pay and if Michelle knowing about the guys is the price that I have to pay to get her off my back it's a chance I'm willing to take. Are you? Or are you going to back out of the fight before you get the chance to get your hands dirty or are you going to be in my way?" I challenge him with my voice as I take a step towards him.

"Oh, I'm always in for a fight." He smirk as he takes a step closer towards.

I grin at him. "Good. I guess the stakes just got interesting."

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