Chapter Twelve- Awkward Car Rides, Storytelling Part 1

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Chapter Twelve- Awkward Car Rides, Storytelling Part 1

The car ride wasn’t awkward, it was torture. If you’ve ever walked in on any body while they were doing something…intense then you know how I feel at the moment. Half of us came in my car while the other half were in James car. He offered to take some people and for that I was grateful, but I haven’t been able to look him in the eye. I think we were all trying to figure out what to say. When we finally parked the car in the parking lot I cut off the engine, but nobody got out. We were as frozen as peas. It was only when I saw Nicole tap on my window when we all decided to scamper out.

“Have you figured out what you’re going to say yet? They tried getting hints out of us, but we wouldn’t budge until we were all here,” Nicole tells me in a hushed voice.

“We tried thinking about it, but we couldn’t think of anything to say. The story is too long we don’t even know where to start and certain things can’t be said,” I say back to her.

Once we enter Sweet Frog we suddenly go back to our personality’s. We start fighting about who’s in line and skip people until finally we all pay and sit the biggest booths in the corner. We wait until everyone's here before we start the conversation.

"Bro! Did you see this?" Kyle yells at the table causing a few people to turn and look at us. Then in a hushed tone he says,"Michelle and Allen we're seen with the computer nerd, Hailey right after your fight." He then pushes his iPhone towards us and shows us a picture and sure enough there's Hailey shaking hands with Michelle.

"That little fidget, she's stealing Hailey away from me." I say through my clenched teeth.

"Well I guess we can all agree that she took Kyles word literally when he said war starts now." Lilly says nonchalantly.

"Okay so tell us the story from the beginning," Collin says bored as he takes a scoop of his frozen yogurt.

"Well there's no actual beginning, but it the story only makes sense when you hear Emma's side of the story first," I say. I turn to look at Emma and she nods.

She takes a feel breath and opens her mouth to speak, but before she can Allen comes through the door, alone. I avert my gaze and take a scoop of my yogurt. Emma immediately notices my discomfort. I shake my head when she sees Allen and starts telling her story ignoring him. "So it all started when we were kids, before I meet Bella, Jane was my best friend. I was born with asthma, only I had it bad. When it was time for me to start school it was impossible for, I practically lived in the hospital. My mom decided to send me to school a year later, so when I started kindergarten I was the oldest kid. However I was also the scrawniest. I was bullied a lot and on my second week Jane stood up for me, making us instant best friends. She was beautiful even back then so everyone listened to her. I told her everything, every single little thing about me, she knew. Hell she still does!” Emma took a deep breath calming her down a bit before continuing.

“As the years went by Jane became obsessed with popularity, she started bossing people around and bullying them. We began distancing ourselves. In fifth grade we had the same class together, and at that time I had a boyfriend, and before yall start saying elementary relationships don't, mean shit, listen. It was different with us, our families were close so of course we ended up liking each other we started dating in third grade. At first it was just for the whole girlfriend and boyfriend title. Then fourth grade came and we were still together, but we would actually hold hands and all that gay shit. We spent almost everyday after school together, well him, me and Jane. But fifth grade during the week before school was out for thanksgiving, our teacher made us say what we were grateful. That day she spilled my biggest secret, my dad. So like any normal person would I slapped her in front of the class. She continued spilling my secrets, deciding it was enough I punched her over and over again. I was taking boxing at the time.” Emma stopped again, looked over at kyle and mashed the spoon full of frozen yogurt that was about to reach his mouth, on his face causing kyle to shoot her a ‘what the fuck’.

“That's for putting so many fucking toppings on it you little shit.” Emma said taking a spoon full of her yogurt.

“Thats all?” Collin asked

“Oh no thats only the beginning girly.. now where was I?” Emma says before continuing her story.

“Okay so thats all that happened during fifth grade. It was six grade now and me and Noah were still together, we were more serious about it though. Noah started to like the whole bad boy vibe, for his best friend was also a bad boy his name was Julian. Obviously I started to like it to however, I wasn't running off every day to get high and skipping classes on a regular bases like them. But I didn't do anything to stop them either. I actually started picking fights with people and eventually they all were scared of me, hell I think even Bella was.” She paused and looked at me asking if it were true with her eyes. I did a small nod indicating that I was scared of her during that time.

“Right. Anyways it went on like that for a while without any signs of Jane, me picking fights, getting high with noah, and ignoring Julian I didn't really like him. Noah started getting in fights and his grades were dropping. Even if he didn't attend class that much, Noah was smart as fuck, so when his grades dropped his parents threatened him into sending him to a private boarding school in London. The deal they had was, no calls from school about bad behavior, no sneaking out, and no low grades. He began changing, going back to his old self. Stopped smoking weed and skipping. Somehow the word about his agreement with his parents got around school, till this day I swear it was julian. Nothing happened until the beginning of seventh grade. He still had the agreement with his parents and everything was going fine. We stayed after school one day because we simply didn't want to go home. We where talking about something that had happened the week before. Then Julian popped out of no where and started talking shit to noah, he was obviously trying to get him worked up enough to fight him so his parents could ship him off to London. It didn't work at first, then Jane came into my view and before I could think I punched in the face, we started fighting when her friends joined in there where too many of them, so obviously I was losing. Julian was holding Noah back and Jane was no where in site, and thats when I figured it all out. She didn't want to have me jumped just to get back at me no, she wanted Noah to start fighting Julian for not letting him help me while she ran off to get a teacher since they were still here and we were on school property. Julian started teasing Noah about not being able to protect me, and that's when all hell broke loose. They started fighting and at one point Julian took out a pocket knife Noah was able to take it out of his hands easily he pinned him to the ground knife pressing into his neck. It was all part of their plan because at that very moment Jane came back and behind her was Mr. Marshall the principal.” Emma paused again her body stiff and her eyes hard. Kyle put an arm around her bringing her into his side, besides Caesar Kyle was also Emma's best friend.

“His parents shipped him off to London that night, I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. He didn't have a phone, or any social sites it was another deal they made so I lost all connection to him. His parents moved away later that year. I lost the only person that loved me, besides my mom, all because she hated the fact that we were more popular than her. After that I blocked everything out, I let her have her stupid popularity until I meet Isabella. We had a project for science to do together and we became best friends. Of course she knew what happened, everyone did. Bella was popular so she came up with a plan, to take the only thing Jane cared about away from her, like she did to me. And we did, we took all of her popularity and ever since then we've been queen bee’s, along the way Bella and Michelle, Jane's best friend,  well lets just say they weren't so nice to each other.” Emma finished telling her story about Jane at the same time she finished her frozen yogurt, but Emma being Emma took Kyles and started eating it causing Kyle to pout. We were quiet for a bit, everyone in our group knew about Noah, since Emma hasn't dated since him. The only new ones to hear to story was Collin and James.

“Damn that sucks! No wonder you try so hard at being perfect.” Collin said whispering the last part mostly to himself, but since I was next to him I heard him perfectly making me confused.

“You have no idea.” Emma mumbled.

“Its your turn Bella.” James said giving me a generous smile, and with a shy smile back I began telling my story.

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