Chapter One- Pure Voices, Planned Weekend

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Chapter One- Pure Voices, Planned Weekends

"If you haven't brought your money for Six Flags yet then bring it on Sunday. Don't forget to wear a white shirt that we can write on!" Mr. Joe says as he dismisses us from Youth Group. This Sunday is World Youth Day so churches from all around Dallas and a few other places are going to Six Flags for the day. My dad barely let me go, but thanks to the help of Emma's mom I was allowed to go. Who's Emma you might ask. Well she's my step-sister. My dad and her mom got married shortly after our quinceanera's took place. We were best friends before it all happened and yes there was a rough patch in between, but we got past it and we're still best friends.

My mom left us because she was in her mid-life crisis phase stating that she wanted to travel the world and I quote "rediscover her youth". Yeah right, she was already gaining her wrinkles like honey I think it's a little to late for that. The next day she left us without another word, but the night she left I felt her come into my room and kiss me one last good bye. In some ways I guess you could say that I always hated her, but I still loved her with all my heart. The night she left me was the night that she broke my heart and it was also the night that she died to me.

Everyone of my friends knows what happened and they were there for me. 3 years later me and Emma find out that my dad and her mom had been secretly dating. It was weird at first, but I got used to it after a while and I think Emma did too. According to them, they were dating for about a year. A few months later they were getting married at the altar and I have to admit, my dad never looked happier. They've been married for about 6 months now and things have never been better.

"What white shirt are you going to wear to Six Flags?" asks Emma pulling me from my thoughts.

"I think I'm just going to wear one of those cut up white shirts that I have hanging in my closet." I say simply and Emma squirms.

"Why? We have more than enough money to go buy you a five dollar decent shirt."

"Hey! That shirt is decent as a matter of fact. Besides you know my motto,

Why waste the money when you can make something of you're own," we both say in unison.

"Fine, but if you happen to bump into some cute guy just know that it's not my fault that you'll be wearing a Sanchez made t-shirt," she teased me. We have to wait for our ride because my red Honda Civic is getting fixed, tinted, and bullet proof windows and doors. We have enough people to keep us company though.

"Lilly, are you going to be able to go to six flags?" I ask her. She lives a few blocks from us and has blackish brown shoulder length hair with brown eyes.

"No my parents said that I can't because we don't have money and that they don't want to take me." She sighs.

"Man I really wanted all of us to go. It would be a trip to remember!" Emma whines.

"Yeah same here, but hey they'll be other times right?" Lilly answered back, but before we could agree a Chevy truck honked at us.

"Well that's our ride. See you tomorrow at school Lil!" Emma says as we wave goodbye. We enter the car and say hello to my dad. Emma's the one who starts telling him about the trip and reasks if we can go. Dad says he doesn't mind, but we have to ask Emma's mom before we can. During their conversation I'm just looking at the stars and moon through the window. Its a beautiful sky tonight.

We finally arrive home to our mansion. We hop off and enter to be welcomed by the smell of apple pie. Emma's mom sure can bake some delicious foods. "Hello mama. I was telling dad how Sunday is World Youth Day and we need fifty dollars so that we can pay for our entrance." Emma rambles to her mother.

"Fifty dollars each?" Emma's mom stops her.

"No its twenty five each, but it'll be fifty in total because we both would like to go." I clarify for her.

"Oh okay well I don't see why not. It seems like a good idea and it's for Church."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best mom ever!" Emma squeals and I silently agree with her. We eat dinner and tell everyone how our days went before heading up to our rooms. I shower and change into my pajamas before jumping on my bed and flickering the light off. It's not long before I'm lost in my thoughts and fall into my deep slumber.

A/N : What Do You Think About Our First Chapter ? Is It Good? Please Vote and Leave Comments! We Will Try To Update Out Book As Frequently As We Can! Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays! I hope you Enjoy Your Break and Hope That You're All Safe! We Send Our Prayers Out To Y'all !

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