Chapter Nineteen- Unshed Tears, Hurtful Words

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Chapter Nineteen-Unshed Tears, Hurtful Words

The ride back home was full of awkward tension. I was in the passengers seat, while Collin was squished between Emma and James. Why they didn't make Emma sit in the middle is beyond me, however they would surely be more comfortable if she had taken the middle seat.

Nothing made sense anymore, the fact that Emma would hide something like that from me hurt. Bad. It was if I didn't even know her at all, like if she had two worlds and I was only a part of one of them. I couldn't even explain what was going through my head at the moment. She better have a damn good reason for hiding her relationship with Liam from me.

By the time Dave dropped us home it was almost 4 in the morning. I thanked him before making my way inside with everyone else. Emma was walking up the stairs when I walked in, obviously trying to get away from the lecture we were all going to give her.

"Y'all can stay the night if y'all want. It's late and I'm sure y'all are tired." I say making Emma snap her head to me while giving me her 'what the fuck' look.

"The couches in the basement are pull out, y'all can stay there my dad won't mind." I add ignoring the daggers that Emma was sending me.

Collin thanked me before going downstairs while Emma just rolled her eyes at us before going up stairs.

"Come here," James tells me opening his arms, before I even realize what I'm doing I'm in his embrace.

"Everything will work out doll, don't stress over it to much." My face is in the crook of his neck with my arms wrapped around his neck. I'm standing on the tip of my toes, but I don't care at the moment.

"I still hate that name," I mumble into his neck.

"And I still don't care."


Again, I had gotten no sleep at all, but for totally different reasons. It was already 6 in the morning so I decided to get out of bed and check up on everyone. Collin and James were sound asleep on the couch. Each clinging to the edge of the bed leaving as much as space in between them. I smile at the sight and go back upstairs to check up on Emma.

When I open the door, I can't say that I'm shocked to see her bed untouched, and her room a mess. I rush downstairs and into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water and chug it before going back upstairs. I quickly change out of my pajamas and put on a pair of washed jeans, a white tee with a red leather jacket, and a black scarf with crosses on it.

I look at myself in the mirror and noticed the bag under my eyes and the left over makeup I had. I was to stressed out to worry about how I looked. I walked into my bathroom and quickly washed my face before heading back downstairs. The minute the I reached the bottom step two things happened. I noticed that the boys were awake and the door had opened.

"Where the hell have you been? Your bed has been untouched and your room looks like a tornado ran through!" I yell.

"Will you keep your voice down? Dad might hear you and I have a huge hangover," Emma sighs before running her hand threw her hair, and heading  into the kitchen.

I follow her reluctantly as I demand,"Why didn't you tell me, us, about Liam? Were you going to keep me, us, in the dark?"

"Well you sure do know how to get to the point," Emma grumbles. "Why do you even care? This is not your problem or your life so butt out." She grabs a bottle of water and some Advil and swallows them together.

"Are you really going to pull the 'its my life' card right now?" I ask shaking my head with disbelief.

"Oh my, Jesus Bella! Maybe there's a reason why I didn't tell you this! Has it EVER occurred to you that maybe you don't know everything about me? We're not even blood related!" She yells out.

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