Chapter Five- Minion Fights , Praising God

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Chapter Five- Minion Fights, Praising God

"I swear to Bob if I could I would kill every fucking bee in the world!" Emma screamed as she runs around the picnic table, trying to get away from the bee's that seemed to love her. We were half way through lunch when Justine pointed out the numerous amount of bees around our table. Emma has such a big fear of bee's that it's actually humorous. For a while she told people she was allergic to them when she hasn't even been stung by one.

"Well if you would just stop eating that yogurt they wouldn't bother you." I tell her which earns me a glare.

"And while I'm at it I might as well stop breathing." She says sarcastically I swear her love for yogurt is something else.


"Give it back!"

"No your a jerk!"

"And your a bitch!"


"What the frog! Did you just bite me?!"

"Well you did call me a female dog."

"I just want my minion back!"

I watched as Caesar, a guy in our youth group, chased after Emma for the minion he had won one at one of the game booths. While Caesar and Emma fight over a stuffed minion and Mr. Joe's disapproval of their choice in language,  I'm stuck with the oh so cute, not, love birds. I watch as E.T trys to feed Heather a piece of orange chicken. He ends up getting distracted by a bee so he smudges it on her cheek causing Heather to smack him upside the head.

"Awe babe, that hurt." E.T pouts.

"Awe I'm sorry baby." Heather replies before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Ew love, let me get the febreze." I said as I make a gagging sound before getting up and walking over to Emma and Caesar, who were currently playing tug and war with the poor minion.

"You love us though!" Heather yells after me causing me to shake my head while laughing lightly.

"If you guys keep pulling on that stuff minion y'all are gonna rip it." I say as I try and get Emma to back off.

"If you let go of Kevin I'll buy you bacon." Caesar tells Emma and she quickly let's go of the minion. She throws her arms around Caesar's neck giving him a hug.

"Your the best!" She says not hiding the happiness in her voice. I swear that girl loves food more than she loves one direction, and that says a lot.

"Okay guys gather around." Mr. Joe says as he moves his hands around as in to tell us to make a small circle.

"Mass is at 4 so you will have at least 30 minutes to go on rides or mingle with your fellow peers, mass will be beside Shockwave in the amphitheater if you're not there by the time mass starts I will be calling your parents to come pick you up." He says as he dismisses us.

The whole 30 minutes we spent arguing about which rides to go on, instead of actually going on them or playing games at the booths. We had ten minutes to get to mass and on our way there Emma has to use the bathroom. "You have such a small bladder," I tell her.

"Its not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!" Emma yells which earns us glares, and Wtf faces.

"Did you just quote mean girls?" I ask her.

"Maybe.. Ok yeah I did, but I need to pee!" She started doing the potty dance and I can honestly say I do the same.

"Well I'm going to mass because I'm not about to get in trouble. See ya." Lilly says and continues walking on her own.

"I better join her, you know in case she gets lost or something. See you in a bit guys." Justine says before she runs after Lilly.

"Your so lucky that I love you." I tell Emma as we head in the opposite direction towards the bathrooms.

"Well your stuck with me so it's not like you have much of a choice, I appreciate the effort though." We arrive at the bathroom and I wait outside by the sinks since I hate using public restrooms.


"What do you mean you don't know where the amphitheater is!" I shriek.

"Well I thought you had the map, but you don't," Emma says all innocently. "I know where Shockwave is though! It's the tall green one by the escalator thing."

"Off to follow the green rollercoaster!" I say with a deepened voice.

"Sir yes Sir!" Emma says and mocks a salute. After ten minutes of looking we find the amphitheater and look for people wearing white Divine Mercy shirts. I see Mr. Joe almost immediately and we rush towards him. "We're here!" Emma calls out.

"Thank goodness. I almost had to call your parents. Take a seat mass has started already." We nod and sit at the back. We both notice a few people are missing, but we say nothing much about it. They handed us folded papers and they have songs and phrases. Since this is a bilingual mass the songs are different from the ones that I'm used to.

Earlier today I saw this cute guy who was standing in front of us on one of the rides and his shirt said something about Garland church. It's far, but for the first few minutes of mass I was looking until I found navy blue shirts. I had to squint a bit until I finally found him.

I nudge Emma without breaking eye contact and whisper, "I found the guy from earlier today! He's sitting at the bottom in the middle of all the kids wearing navy shirts." She starts to look for him and then shrugs indicating that she doesn't see him.

Mass goes on about how us teenagers are starting our spiritual life with God. They also mention that when we were little kids our parents had to carry our cross and help us make good decisions, but now that we're older it's time to carry our own cross. It's time to make our own mistakes and put all our trust in ourselves and God to lead us into the right path.

After that they get their helpers and they each spread out around the theater with the body and blood of Christ. They start showing each person where to go if you want to talk the body or blood of Christ. My confirmation teacher told me that if you haven't went to confession lately and if your sins were small then you could say the Act of Contrition and you would be able to get the body and blood of Christ.

So that's exactly what I did. I came back around and kneeled on the ground. It was kind of hard since the floor was stone and I was in between two rows of seats, but it all worked out. I prayed for a few minutes before getting back up and joining everyone in the song they were currently singing.

Once mass was over Mr. Joe made us wait a while longer so he could briefly talk to us. "You have the rest of the day to have fun, but just make sure to be at the front by 8:15 we are leaving at 8:30 so don't expect us to be there waiting for you until 9. You may go now."

We all walked down and left the amphitheater. Lilly seemed like somebody rained on her parade so I didn't know if she was going to join us or not, but Emma and I decided to head to Runaway Mountain.

We came during Fright Feast so it's getting creepier the more it gets darker. Emma and I take the short cut which I obviously through the "cemetery" where all the "dead people" are. Justine and Lilly get scared and run in the other direction while Emma and I are laughing our butts off.

Good day so far I'd have to say.

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