Chapter Twenty-one: Spring Break, Jolly Enemies

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Chapter Twenty-one: Spring Break, Jolly Enemies

What happened after our parents left the living room wasn't even close to pretty. First, Emma and I started to argue about why I would agree to go to the beach house. A few profanities were thrown at each other before she finally gave up and stormed up to her room.

Then, Collin started arguing with me because I practically forced them to come with us to spring break. Let's face it, it's not like they had anything better to do so I don't know why they're mad. I get the fact that I didn't ask them first, but there was no time to ask them. Once Collin started shouting his share of profanities, James jumped in to my rescue. We still have yet to talk about the kiss.

Nonetheless I started to to argue with James because he always felt that he had the need to defend me. Especially when I didn't need defending. Surprisingly that's when Collin came to my aid and started to yell at James. In the end we all ended up fighting with each other over everything that has happened the past few days that we kept bottled up inside of us.

So here we sat in our own separate corners silently. I would've sent up to my room, but considering it's right beside Emma's I decided to just stay put. My parents had impeccable timing because within five minutes later they entered the living room again. "If you guys are done arguing," my father begins to say. "I need you to go to the store with your sister." He turns and emphasizes that last word at me.

"Sure." I say, "I don't think Emma's going to want to go, but okay." I sigh as I get up and head upstairs towards Emma's room. As I near it I hear noises come from it so I start walking slower.

"Do you...yeah that's the one...when?...ok see you there." Is all I'm able to get through the door. A few seconds later the door opens up and Emma's annoyed look stares me down. "Were you eavesdropping?" Emma demands.

"And if I was?" I ask.

"Then I'd say you have no right to after that stunt you pulled." Emma fires back. Instead of saying anything back I decide I'm just going to pretend to ignore that last statement.

"Dad wants us to go to the store and get some supplies before tomorrow. You have to come whether you like it or not." I tell Emma.

"Well, give me five minutes." she tells me before slamming the door in my face and locking it behind her. I let out a loud groan and then heads towards my room and repeat the same actions. I change out of the clothes I still had on this morning. Instead I put on red pants, a long sleeve black tshirt with lace at the top and a black and red scarf. It's getting chilly a bit, but the good thing is that our beach house is near the warmer parts of Texas.

I put on my boots and beanie before heading back downstairs. The living room looks like a tornado just came in and swept everything out of place. I sigh, but head towards the bed couch and and start to put it away. I grab the fallen couch pillows and place them on top of the couches. Then I grab the bed pillows I lend them and put them back I'm the closet near the hallway towards the kitchen. I go back and clean up, what I assume is their breakfast, the bowls on the table and head towards the kitchen.

I enter the kitchen and find Collin and James whispering to each other. They immediately shut their mouths when I enter the room. Collin gets out of my way as he notices I'm heading towards the sink. "Don't stop on my account." I tell them as I begin to wash the dishes. Normally I leave them there, but right now I have the urge to be busy and cleaning is the only thing to do.

They stay quiet so I say, "If you're talking about me go ahead. You wouldn't be the first to." I finish cleaning the bowls and then put them in the drying rack. Then I turn around and head back towards the closet near the hallway. I pull out the Windex and start to clean the fingerprints off the table. Halfway drying my cleaning session I hear someone come down the stairs. I turn around and there is my devilish sister standing at the bottom of the stairs.

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