Chapter Twenty-four: Expressed Feelings, Hospital Visits

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Emma and Bella are fighting because Bella found out the real reason Emma's dating Liam. Emma is taking drugs with Liam and gets caught by Collin, James and of course Bella. Bella tries talking to Emma about it the next morning but it escalates into a big fight where Emma and Bella disown each other. Bella's dad and Emma's mom plan a spring break trip and invite Collin and James along the way so that they can all fix their problems during the break. Emma avoids everyone on the first day which leads Bella and Collin to go last minute grocery sopping at night. While grocery shopping Bella bumps into Noah, Emma's ex, and they start talking briefly about how they've been. Collin sees Noah and gets jealous but Bella makes him promise not to mention a word to Emma. The next morning Bella leaves the beach house early and goes to talk with Noah about the way Emma's been acting and asks for advice because she's never seen her like that so doesn't know how to handle it. Emma goes to the beach with Collin and James, although they try stopping her, and ends up seeing Noah and Bella together. She yells harsh words at them and runs away before anyone can stop them. They spend the whole afternoon looking for her but stop when Bella gets a mysterious call.

Chapter Twenty-four: Expressed Feelings, Hospital Visits

Rushing into an unknown hospital is the worst feeling.

You don't know what to do or where to go. Absentmindedly, my feet carry me to the front desk in a run. The lady at the front desk is wide awake but types in fear on the laptop. "I need the room number for Emma Rodriguez." I demand quickly.

"One moment.." she whispers hurriedly but I don't have time to wait.

"NO!" I yell and slam my palms against the counter table. "I don't have time to wait. My sister's in the hospital and I need to see her! I swear if you don't give me her number I'll---"

Before I can finish off my threat James cuts me off and steps in front of me. "I'm sorry. May we please have Emma Rodriguez's room number. Pronto" he said in a soft spoken voice. I don't understand how he can keep such a calm voice at a moment like this but it keeps me from trying to rip my hair out.

For some reason though, the lady at the front desk quickly nods her head and starts typing away on her computer. After a few moments later that feels like eternity she stops typing and looks at James in the eyes. "She's in room 302 but she's still in surgery. It says that she had a major drug overdose along with a blood vessel popping near her brain for the lack of oxygen."

I feel the air just escape my lips. Drug overdose...blood vessel popping...lack of oxygen... "What do you mean lack of oxygen? What the hell happened to my sister!" I ask the lady once I regain my balance.

The lady seems to hesitate at first but then she sees the glare that I give her so she stops stalling. She lets out a deep breath which just makes me even more anxious. "It says on her file that when the call was received it was a guy and he was very anxious. Said they were attacked and when the paramedics, followed by the police, arrived they wrote that Emma was found alone on the ground. The caller was nowhere to be found and she was bleeding from the back of her neck." She says finally. I don't know what's worse. Sitting in the waiting room not knowing anything or knowing everything and somehow knowing that this whole incident was your fault.

*** *** ***

"I'll never be able to forgive myself," I say after James came back from going on a coffee run for all of us. I sit in the waiting room with James on my right and Collin and Noah across from me. I had just gotten off the phone with my parents and they're on their way to the hospital now. My mom started sobbing on the phone so my dad took over the call and even though he was exceptionally calm I know that deep inside he's dying over this. We've only been here for an hour and I know I probably should've called them sooner but I was still processing the situation until James suggested that I call them.

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