Chapter Three- Abrupt Awakenings, Small Preparations

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Chapter Three- Abrupt Awakenings, Small Preparations

I wake up to my cat Tito touching my face. "What do you want?" I groan and turn around in bed. Tito jumps off the bed and I'm given five extra minutes of sleep before my alarm goes off. I turn it off and get out of bed lazily. Once I'm in my bathroom I wash my face to wake myself up and brush my teeth.

My buns in a mess, but I decide to fix it later. I still have time before we leave so I really don't care. I leave my room and tip toe to Emma's room and see her still asleep. She has her leg out and her left arm dangling from her bed while her head is facing the wall. I'm feeling really loud right now so I go downstairs and get my box of Cool Whip. She hates it.

I hurry back upstairs and quietly open her door more. I take a scoop of Cool Whip out and shove in my mouth and then I leap onto her bed. I scream with my mouth full,"Wakey, wakey sleepy head!" She groans and trys covering her head with the pillow, but I just take it away from her and throw on the ground beside the Cool Whip.

She sees it and immediately wakes up. "You better get that little shit out of my room like right now." She tells me. I shake my head and she tackles me causing me to choke on my Cool Whip. "Ha! You can die for waking me up at this hour!"

I finally calm myself down and with my voice hoarse I reply,"You were actually going to let me die? Well that's a bit harsh don't you think?"

"Eh. Eventually I would've helped, but you were just choking for like five seconds so it's all good." She replys simply.

"Well you need to get ready. It's Sunday morning we need to be there by eight and I still have to pick up Lilly, Justine and Heather." I said.

"Well it's ten before seven right now," she says more to herself than me. It looks like she's calculating something in her head."Do you think I have time to watch Footloose before we leave?" She asks me abruptly.

I glare at her. "Are you serious?"

"Well does it look like I'm joking? It's our favorite movie!"

I check the clock and sigh. I'm so not winning this,"Only if you get ready at the same time."

"Well then get out and take your Cool Whip with you! I need to watch Footloose and get ready!" She started yelling at me.

"Shesh I'm going, I'm going." I say to her. I get up and pick up my Cool Whip and take a scoop of it before leaving her room. As I leave I hear her throw a pillow after me. Weirdo. I put my Cool Whip down and top it as I head towards my bathroom. I pull my bun down and look at my hair. This is messy hair.

I braid my hair and within a few minutes it's neatly done and pulled back. I take out my Sephora makeup kit and start doing my makeup. We might get wet so I use my water proof makeup. Even then I only put eyeliner on the top and mascara. I put very little concealer and powder and vóila I'm done. I look natural, but cute.

Next I head to my walk in closet and grab thin jeggings, my white shirt, and a red tank. I should probably wear a white one, but I'd rather not. I slip on my clothes and grab a scarf from my other closet. Yeah I had my dad built me another closet so I can have one specifically for scarfs only. I was running out of drawers for them.

I decide against taking a sweater and slip on my converse. I clean up my room and make it as neat as possible. We have a maid, but I like making her job easier. I knock on the wall and wait for Emma to knock back. When she does I grab my purse and keys, take one last look in the mirror, and we open our doors at the same time. It's our secret little code to let each other know we're ready.

We head downstairs and sit down with mom and dad to have our family breakfast. "Goodmorning kiddos," our parents say simultaneously.

"Morning guys," Emma says.

"Salutations," I tell everyone. They give me the "weird eye" as I call it. Pretty much they arch an eyebrow and squint one of their eyes. "What? Saying good morning is pretty basic and I'm not basic." I tell them.

"You and your basic theory's," Emma teases me with an eye roll.

"Okay so here's the deal. One of you has to text me when you eat, when you arrive, once you've entered, once you've went to mass, once mass is over, and when your leaving. I have to hear from you both, not just Emma and not just Isabella." Mom explained.

"Sounds fair to me," I agree and Emma simply nods her head. We finish eating breakfast and we say our goodbyes. Mom and Dad gave us extra money even though we already have money from our allowances saved, but hey who's counting?

The day awaits many adventures for us. Who knows maybe I'll finally find my bae.

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