Chapter Four- Long Drives, Long Lines

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Chapter Four Long Drives, Long Lines

"Hey Mr.Joe!" I yelled as we walked towards him to sign in. He looked a tad panicked or worried.

"Isabella! Who brought you right now?" He asked.

I raise my keys as proveth, but I say it anyway,"I drove us here."

"Could you help take people? Since we're running low one car." He pleads.

"Yes of course I'd be happy too. I can take us and one more person which will probably be E.T. and I think someone else could fit inside too." I reply.

He furrows his eyebrows before asking me the question everyone does."Who's E.T.?"

"Well Edd of course since those are his initials," I say.

"Anyways. Go get this on the back of your shirts," he turns around briefly showing a black cross with red and yellow rays coming out on opposite sides. On the top it says Divine Mercy Church and at the bottom it says Youth group in blue letters. "and help the others so we can leave on schedule. Oh and go to Charlie and get signed and give them your forms and all."


The drive here got me tired. It wasn't a long drive, but I like being in action. I hate to sit down for too long. I follow Mr. Joe's car and park right beside him. Some cars just came to get dropped off, but we had to pay to stay. Luckily Heather brought her Season Pass and we were able to get free parking.

I waited for the passenger of Mr. Joe's car to get out first before I did because I didn't want to scratch either one's car. Once we were all out and had our things I locked my car and attached my keys to my lanyard around my neck.

We walked and met up with everyone who got dropped off and Mr. Joe went over his schedule. "Lunch will be at two so right after we can go to church which is at four. Lunch will be over at 3 or 3:30 so you have like thirty minutes to walk around before mass. If your late then I'll call your parents to pick you up."

He then gave us our tickets and we headed inside to Six Flags. "What ride are we going to ride first guys?" I asked them. We had just gotten done taking selfies and group picture's to have as memories.

"I say we should go on Batman," Lilly says and Justine immediately agrees. Me and Emma are a bit more hesitant. We're those people who will get on rides just not those super tall ones like Titan.

"Hey look there's the Tony hawk one! Let's get on that one before the line gets any longer," Justine says. Everyone agrees and I just follow. I don't mind the height it's just the fact that my panic attacks are triggered when I'm dizzy and of course this one turns. Deep breaths Isabella just take deep breaths I tell myself.


"That was so much fun!" I squeal. "I didn't even get my panic attack and I was relaxed."

"See your being a scaredy cat for no apparent reason at all." Justine teases me. I just roll my eyes at her. We keep walking around and start getting on some more rides. We've gotten on like five rides so far and it's already 1:15. We debate if we have enough time to get our food or not.

So we decide to play at the games where you can win prizes. We go inside gift shops and take pictures using the clothes and put them back. "I won a sexy batman cape," I tell my friends in a seductive voice.

"Honey..I think you..just killed the meaning of sexy," Lilly says in between her laughs.

"Why are you killing my vibe? I bet y'all are just jealous because I'm rocking this cape," I say with all seriousness. They look at me before we all end up laughing. "Okay okay so it's 1:40 and we still haven't gotten out food."

"Well my sisters buying my food," Justine says.

"And I brought myself food," Lilly adds.

"Well little sis I think it's just you and me now," I say.

"Little sis? I'm older than you by two months." Emma corrects me.

"True, but who's taller? Its all about the looks pipsqueak," I reply.

"Oh so we're on nickname bases now are we? Well if I'm pipsqueak then you must be the giant," Emma challenges.

"We've always been on nickname terms, dear. Anywho, I may be a giant, but at least I live in the clouds. Plus you need beanstalks to reach me which would take a pipsqueak an eternity to climb."

"At least I can hide in small places and I am hardly noticeable."

"Yet you have to face bugs."

"And your ugly."

"Touché" I agree with her. We find a place where they sell BBQ, regular and buffalo flavored chicken tenders. I got BBQ and Emma got buffalo, typical. We also got one of those $15 cups to share through out the day. My stomach started to grumble and we saw Mr. Joe just as we were heading out to our meeting spot.

"Ready to eat?" He asks.

"Never been hungrier," I reply as I popped a fry into my mouth.

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