Chapter Two- School Bells, Big Surprise

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Chapter 2- School Bells, Big Surprise

Today was an A day and let's just say that I didn't actually finish my homework. My school is on a block schedule so we alternate classes every other day. On A days I have basically all of my course classes except one, world history. I head into English and we're writing an essay today about Frankenstein. I think the story is idiotic, but my teacher thinks otherwise.

"If your talking I assume your done with your journals, correct?" Ms. Hix asks. The room gets quiet almost immediately as I get out my journal. I lean over and whisper to my friend, Marilyn, "What's the deal with her? Is she in a grumpy mood today?"

"Beats me. If you haven't noticed I'm pretty sure that she hates our 1A class." Marilyn whispered back to me. I shrug and go back to finishing my journal. The rest of the class period goes slow with all of us writing our essay. The topic sentence is whether or not the monster should be destroyed and why. I think the monster should be destroyed since it's not even born naturally, but that's just me.

Eventually the bell rings and now I have to face my hell which is called Chemistry. I walk carefully at my own pace not wanting to arrive at class yet. I never noticed how many people I knew at school until I was saying hi and waving at almost everybody I saw on my way to M hall.

I walk up the stairs and hurry to class as the warning bell rings. I get into my seat and quickly turn to the girl sitting next to me, Aida. "Did you finish the Chemistry packet?" I ask her.

"Yeah, did you finish the outline and the review questions?" Aida asks me back immediately.

"Yes it was easy!" I tell her.

"Quick! Trade and copy as much as you can before she comes by to stamp them." Aida says as we switch papers. I get the closest pencil I can grab and start copying her answers. I'm on the third page when I hear Mrs. Gusukuma say,"I'm coming by to stamp your homework so have it out." She walks over to the right side and I sigh. I have 3 minutes to copy the last page.

She's on the beginning of the row beside me when I throw Aida's paper back at her. "Are you done?" I ask with panic in my voice.

"Almost," she replys as she keeps writing. Mrs. Gusukuma is getting closer when I turn back and whisper,"Hurry!"

Aida scribbled some more and throws me back my outline. I sigh as I grab it right before she turns to my desk and stamps them and goes to the next student. Man that was a close one. I really need to start doing my homework.


I'm walking towards main hall to meet up with my friends. For some odd reason we meet up by the closest trash can by the stairs. I'm usually one of the first people to get there, but today I was running a little bit later than usual. My teacher decided to give us less than five minutes that I needed to pack my stuff away.

"Hey, what's the gossip of the day?" I ask them.

"Well nothing out of the ordinary just looking for booty and Michelle still hates us. We saw her pass by with her usual mugging face." Nicole replys.

"Well it wouldn't be her not to give us her signature move," I say. Eventually the rest of the gang shows up and we start talking about the randomest things.

"Guys guess what!" Lilly yells as she comes to meet up with us. I hadn't even noticed she was missing.

"What's up?" Kyle asks.

"Not you. Them," she says pointing to Emma and me.

"What happened?" Emma asks.

"My parents allowed me to go on the trip! I'm going with y'all!" She said so happy.

"Yay!" I said back as I ran to hug her. Now this is going to be an interesting weekend.

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