Chapter Twenty- Careless Decision's, Caring Lovers

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Chapter Twenty- Careless Decision's, Caring Lovers

When I woke up later that afternoon I wasn't in my bedroom. I still had on the same white T-shirt and my jacket was hanging behind a chair. The room was really bright and the wall was painted a baby blue white. I grab my phone which is sitting on the nightstand and unlock it. I see three missed calls from my dad and Emma's mom, two from Collin, and one from James, probably from before he found me. There's a slight disappointment in me when I see that Emma hasn't tried to contact me yet, but it's my fault. I told her we weren't sister's, but after she told me that we weren't even related. This is probably what Jane wanted.

She wanted to ruin us, and she did.

I'm so frustrated so I grab the pillow and throw it across the room right when it starts to open causing it to hit someone in the face. "Oops! I'm so sorry!" I say as I scramble to my feet. I get close, but then I stop in my feet trying to remember where I'm at. Finally, it comes back to me and I remember that I came to James' house. I must've been really tired if it's already noon.

"Well I see that someone's up already." he says. He has two boxes of pizza and movies in one hand while he has cups and liter drink in the other.

"Oh my gosh James let me help." I tell him as I take the movies and the pizza from him and sit back down. "So is this your plan for the day?"

"Well my plan is for us to have a normal day, then have a talk about what happened before you drop me off with my car and go home." he tells me.

"I happen to love your idea." I tell James with a toothy smile.

"Okay now what do you want to watch first? The Breakfast Club, American Sniper, Grease, Into The Woods, Fast and Furious, Hunger Games, Divergent, or Footloose 2011 and 1984." he asks me.

"Well that's a tough one, but do you have the Harry Potter series?" I ask.

"Yes I do." he answers back.

"Okay we'll watch Footloose 2011, then Into the Woods, then The Breakfast Club, and then Harry Potter!" I say excitedly.

"That's a lot of movies, but okay let me go get Harry Potter while you plug in Footloose," he says and with that he's gone for a few moments. When he comes back Footloose has already started and it's a few seconds before they show the car crash. He moves the rest of the DVD's to the floor in the meantime and hands me a plate. I open the box of pizza and grab three slices for me and pour myself some Dr. Pepper and I our another one for James.

"Question. Whose room are we in and was I heavy when you carried me in?" I ask.

"It's the guest room, but it used to be a game room and like a feather for your second question." he answered.

"Wow. I'm that light?" I asked.

"No" he laughs. "I tripped on the stairs twice and I almost fell backwards. Did you know that you kick in your sleep?" he asks me.

I punch him lightly and laugh before saying, "Yeah I know that."

"Do you want me to turn off the light?" James asks me as he walks over to the light switch.

"Sure." I say with a smile. Once the lights are off James takes a sit on the bed next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder. The movie was at the part where Ren was beginning to fix the broken buggy his uncle let him have. I leaned more into James once I finished eating my pizza.

"So did you ever get your car back by the way?" I ask.

"Nah, I think I'll just go back later." He tells me. We sit in silence and continue watching the movie in peace. I snuggle closer when we get to the part where Ren and Ariel are near the train tracks before he saves her. "I swear girls are crazy these days." I hear James mutter.

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