Chapter Nine - Small Reconciliation , Cold Stares

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Chapter Nine - Small Reconciliations, Cold Stares

It's been two weeks since the car accident. Once we got home from the party to say we were pretty shocked and scared shitless was an understatement. After an hour of just sitting in my basement watching random Disney shows, we finally agreed to pretend it never happened, and to never talk about it nor mention it to anybody. However, that didn't stop the guilt from eating me alive every hour of the day. A hit and run. Even though nobody got hurt, it's still considered a hit and run. What I hate most is that out of everything that happened that night that's the only thing I seem to be able to remember. I don't even know why we were stupid enough to let Emma drive, that girl drives horrible being intoxicated or not. Deciding to stop thinking so hard about it, I start getting ready for school.

I put on mascara and a bit of concealer to hide my under eye circles, that seem to be growing darker by the minute. I leave my hair how it naturally is, wavy. I put on my black jeans with a plain cream color shirt a thin dark gray hoodie with a leather jacket over it, a red ruffly scarf with my red Converse. I grab my headphones, phone and phone charger before grabbing my backpack and some money.

I make my way to the kitchen and make myself toast. I love toast. A few minutes later Emma walks into the kitchen wearing plain jeans with a white hoodie. Her hair is up in a small bun and it looks like she only put on mascara. She grabs two yogurts and two plastic spoons before grabbing a baggy and putting one yogurt and spoon in it.

"Why'd you grab two?" I ask her.

"So I can eat it in class, I'm always hungry half way through first." she says.

"Weirdo, let's go were a bit late." With that we grab our stuff before heading down to my car and driving off to school.


By the time lunch came around I couldn't be happier. Putting my headphones in I head to the nacho line. I was about to grab a lunch tray when a hand beat me to it, our hands brushed each others causing me to flinch and move my hand back as I looked over my shoulder. Standing behind me was a guy a few inches taller than me, dirty blonde hair and blue eye, having a feeling at the pit of my stomach that I've seen him before I take a bold move and ask him.

"Do I know you?" He smirked.

"Hmm, I figured you wouldn't be able to remember me." He says the smirk leaving his lips and is replaced by a shy smile.

"What do you mean?" I ask him with confusion in my eyes.

"You were drunk off your ass when we meet." He said as we moved down the line.

"So I'm guessing your part of the party that I will never seem to remember." I say before adding, "But I could of sworn I know you from somewhere else to." He studies my face a few seconds before mumbling an ahem.

"Oh yea I wondered why you looked so familiar at the party, you're one of the girls from six flags." He says snapping his fingers.

"Oh okay well now that make sense, James right? What are you doing here then? I thought yall lived in a town so small nobody knew the name of it," I question as I grab a water before punching in my number and paying. I wait for James to punch in his number, once he does I walk beside him.

"Yeah well, I moved here with my cousin a few weeks ago." He says shrugging.

"Oh okay, well you're welcomed to sit with me and a few of my friends if you'd like." I offer. He looks at the table behind me and raises an eyebrow at me.

"A few?" he asks before adding, " There's like fifteen people sitting there, you're obviously with the popular crowd." He sighs before turning around before he gets a chance to walk away from me I grab his arm stopping him from doing so, realizing what I did I quickly let my hand drop.

"Does it matter that I'm popular?" I ask a hint of hurt leave my voice before I can't catch it. I don't know where all these feelings are coming from. Normally when someone tells me something that way he did, I let it go. It has never mattered to me what others think about me. Why his opinion means so much to me I do not know, it simply does.

"It has nothing to do with who you are Bella, I just don't fit in with popular people." He says and suddenly I find myself picking my tray back up from the spot on the table where I left it.

"Then come on let's go sit at another table." I say as I walk over to one of the circle tables and sit down. James sits down across next to me.

"You didn't have to do that, I could have sat by myself besides now their all glaring at me because I took the queen bee away." He tells me a light smirk passes his lips and I find myself smiling at him.

"They have Emma." I say waving his comment off.

"You know at the party you said you were gonna call me Jay." James said with a chuckle as he took a sip of his milk.

"Why on earth would I call you Jay? I've always hated that nickname." I say popping a nacho chip in my mouth.

"Thank God you said that, I hate that nickname to." He says causing us both to laugh. The rest of lunch consist of us saying random things, and me asking him random questions. Turns out I have him for my theater class, in which he sits next to me and I introduce him to Nicole. I think she scared him a bit at first with her hyperness, but he warmed up to her eventually. At the end of the day him and his cousin, which turned out to be Collin, meet me and my friends at the trash can we always meet up at. James was tensed at first since he didn't usually get along with popular people and he thought we were the ones at the top of the food chain. When in reality we aren't. By the time Emma and Justine joined us Emma's eyes hardened at the site of Collin, while Justine's brightened up. She instantly began flirting with him while Collin keeped sending Emma flirtatious winks, which only caused her to roll her eyes at him.

When we all decided to head home me and Emma walked with James and Collins since they parked by where we parked. When we got home, Emma started playing with Tito and I went up to my room and began watching Netflix. Today was full of surprises.

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