Chapter Eighteen- Rescue Crew, Discovered Romance

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Chapter Eighteen- Rescue Crew, Discovered Romance

"So let me get this straight. Dave, here, is a family investigator and somehow through his computer he found out where Emma is hiding out right now?" Collin asks. We're sitting in my kitchen whispering in hushed voices so we don't wake up my dad. It's now 1 am in the morning and we're still trying to understand why Emma would be at a bar in the bad neighborhood of town.

"Yes. I always check it at midnight just in case something happens during the night and when I did I found out Emma used her credit card at this bar. It's late so I figures you guys are worried sick so I came right away. If you want to find Emma we must leave now before she leaves to some other place." Dave tells us. With that I run upstairs and change into jeans, slip on my shoes and throw on a jacket. I rush downstairs and grab my keys and head out the door.

"Whoa hold it there chump." Collin tells me as he holds on to my arm.

I give him a hard glare before shaking his arm off of me. I turn around and continue heading towards the car slip inside to the drivers seat. "Well what are you waiting for? Get in." I tell them and they start pilling in. Collin and James take the back while Dave sits beside me. As I back out if the driveway I notice my dad's light turn on. "Fuck," I mutter.

I quickly turn off the car and pull up the windows. "What's happening?" asks James.

"My dad woke up," I said. We all sit in a hushed mode and wait for his light to turn off again as we wait I realize that he'll notice if I'm missing and I don't want to worry him about Emma. He has enough work on his plate right now. "Change of plans. Dave we need to take your car. He won't recognize James and Collin's car, but hell notice yours. I also don't want him to notice Emma and I being gone." I say breaking the silence.

"Dave nods and hands me his keys as I place my in my pocket. We get out of the car and quickly get inside of Dave's. I drive off without waking up my dad again. I'm so glad that he's a heavy sleeper and not a light one. In 15 minutes I'm in East Dallas. It's so dirty and ghetto. There's graffiti all over the walls and the houses look like theyre falling down. I mean there are some nice parts to it and all, but in the area we're in it yells 'bad vibe.'

"Now where to?" I ask Dave.

"Keep going straight and then make a left and then the place will be the second on your right." He says. When we finally arrive I find it difficult to find a parking place near the building. If we need to I want to have an easy get away. Once I park we get out of the car and separate. I'm stuck with Collin while James is with Dave. We search the right side of the building while the guys search the left side.

"I don't see her anywhere. Are you sure that she's here?" asked Collin.

"I dunno, but Dave's our best hope so we might as well check it out." I replied.

"Check the bathroom and I'll check out behind the bar," Collin tells me and with that he disappears. I head towards the back of the bar and into the bathrooms, but they're empty. The bathroom window is open and I hear a girl giggle. I recognize that laugh so I leave and head into the alley behind the building.

I stick my head out the corner because I want to make sure before I decided to make a fool of myself. My eyes practically bulge out of my eye sockets when I see it before my eyes. It's Emma and--and Liam? Whoa now I'm sure I missed the picture. I squint and I see them kissing like they know how each person's body reacts. There's something in Emma's hand and it's white. Liam whispers something to her and she pops it into her mouth. I notice that he has one too and does the same as Emma.

"Emma what are you doing?" I think to myself. I try going back to get Collin or James, but instead I step in a branch and it cracks. Shit! Their heads turn in my direction and I decide to play it cool. There's no point in running away like a coward. "So this is what you do when you come home late," I told them. My face was still in the shawdows so you couldn't see me good unless you were right in front of me.

I lean up against the wall taking in their reactions. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Liam decides to ask first.

"Oh me? I'm just walking around the area trying to see what adventure I can find. Seems like my sister found the adventure before I could though." I say and with that I step out of the shadows and into Rmmas and Liam's view.

"What are you doing here Isabella?" Emma growled at me.

"So I see that you're still being a grudge. What happened to calling me Belle or Bella?" I ask her.

"Just answer the question." She spits at me.

"Well when my sister is missing at like two in the morning on a weekday I tend to worry. So I'm here looking for your ass." I spit back at her.

"You have no right to be looking for me when you clearlytook Jane's side."

"Really? You're seriously going to say that when I'm here trying to make it up to you?" I question her.

"Just leave already. I don't want to see you right now."

"Oh but you would love to see Liam wouldn't you? I saw y'all kissing just a few moments ago." I told her.

"So what? People kiss all the time." She says nonchalantly.

"Not everyone kisses the school drug dealer out of nowhere though." I said as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh so this is the school drug dealer," James says from behind me. I turn and see Collin with his fists clenched and his lip in a thin line. He's standing beside James with Dave just behind them. I turn to see Emma with a shocked face, but she quickly composes herself.

"So you brought a whole rescue crew?" She says with a scoff.

"Well I wouldn't come alone would I? You still haven't answered my question though. What is going on with you and Liam because I saw you both swallow something white that happened to look like a pill." I narrowed my eyes. I'm hoping that it wasn't true, but I don't know what to believe.

"It was a mint shit head. People still take those and as for me and Liam. That's none o-"

"Just answer the damn question," Collin yells catching us all of guard.

"He's my boyfriend!" Emma yells back at him. I feel myself falter a bit and I step back. This can't be true that's just bull.

"Of all people why him?" Collin asks.

"Why didn't you tell me about you dating him sooner? Do you not trust me or something?" I ask her with a hint of pain in my voice.

"Don't start." Is all she had to say to me.

"You know you'll never trust if you don't learn how to fall." I told her softly. With that I turned around and Collin went towards her and picked her up. Through the corner of my eye I saw her dangling over his shoulder trying to get loose but failed miserably. James grabbed my hand and tried to sooth me, but it didn't work so I retracted my hand.

We all pilled into the car and to say it was awkward was the least of our problems.

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