Chapter Seven- Girly Gossip, Embarrassed Sisters

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Chapter Seven- Girly Gossip, Embarrassed Sisters

"What is wrong with you!" Justine tells me as she smacks me upside the head.

"Why in the world would you tell them bye! They were coming this way to!" She exclaims before hitting my head again.

"You know I agree with Justine that was a stupid thing to say, I gotta admit they were really cute." Emma says shrugging her shoulders as we walk up to Mr. Joe and other people that are in our youth group.

"My bad I don't know what's wrong with me." I say as I run a hand threw my curly dark brown hair. "Anyways, you weren't even talking to them Emma!" I tell her as I raise an eyebrow at her, unlike a lot of our friends Emma actually knows how to flirt which is why I think its weird how she wasn't talking to them.

"I didn't feel like talking." She shrugs as we make our way over to Heather and E.T. Who was currently laughing as E.T tried to hug one of the "monster" only causing her to back away from him in an extremely creepy way.

"Be like that then!" he yells after the monster before going back to sit next to Heather, he puts his arm her shoulder bringing her to his side. I swear their relationship was so cute, they had the whole best friends falling for each other vibe. Emma sits on the other side of Heather taking the last available space and shoots me a smirk that says 'ha ha I got it before you' I stand in front of Heather as Emma begins telling her what happened with the guys. E.T burst out laughing as Emma tells them how it ended.

"We need to give you flirting lessons love." E.T teases my lack for being able to flirt, trying to master a british accent towards the end of his sentence. I hit his arm before shooting him a glare and going over to Mr. Joe on my way I hear their laughter behind me knowing their following me I run up to Mr. Joe.

"Mr. Joe their bullying me!" I tell him while hiding behind him.

"Isabella will you please check if anybodys missing?" Mr. Joe tells me completely ignoring my cry for help.

"Sure." I say with a sigh as I look around and see that no ones missing before I turn around to tell Mr. Joe my eyes lock on James. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I turn my gaze to his right and see Collin watching someone with an intense look. Following his gaze I find myself looking at Emma and Caesars back as he laughs at something she says, probably making fun of her which earns him a slap to his arm. I quickly tell Mr. Joe everybodys here before running over to her and jumping on her back, catching her by surprise and making her trip into Caesar

"What the hell Bella!" Emma says as she lets go of Caesar and turns to face me, shooting him a thankful smile and me a glare.

"Collin was staring at you hard core bro, it looked like he wanted to kill Caesar." I whisper in her ear, when I move to the side I see her staring back at Collin with a confused expression before quickly hiding it with her 'I dont give a fuck' face. She smirks at him before raising her eyebrow at him as in telling him 'what's up'. He smirks at her before sending her a wink and walking over to his friends, causing Emma to roll her eyes before turning to Caesar and I.

Caesar is Emmas guy best friend even though they just met a few months ago. I watch as she begins telling Caesar what happened at the tea cups and which he replies with laughing shutting up every time Emma gives him a glare. I begin looking around for other people in our youth group while some are screaming and hiding from the "monsters" others are simply chatting with each other. Before Mr. Joe announces that we are leaving, we were making our way back to my car when I decide that I was gonna show off my amazing talent of being able to walk backwards. Moving in front of Emma and Caesar I start walking backwards causing Emma to laugh at me. My eyes meet James eyes once again, getting distracted I trip over a rock that was on the ground causing me to fall. I can hear Emma and Caesars laugh along with a laugh I don't recognize. A hand appears near my face and I take it before looking up at James.

"Next time don't let my beautiful eyes distract you from showing off an amazing talent." James tells me showing me his beautiful smile causing my face to head up, and immediately I know I'm blushing I mumble a thanks before I feel an arm go around my shoulders.

"Why little sister are you blushing?" Emma asks the teasing tone in her voice obvious and a smirk is planted on her face. Its official. I'm killing Emma in her sleep tonight.

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