Chapter 13

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Xisuma passed by Keralis and shook his head, then entered the cabin. Ren stared at Keralis, guilt tripping him. Doc gave him a deadly death stare, while Zed looked genuinely shocked. Stress disappeared into the cabin without looking back.

Cleo had been right, it was Keralis all along. Yet, she was still quite surprised. Mumbo was probably the most surprised out of everyone. Keralis was the last person he would've thought would have the guts to commit all these murders, it went against his friendly, calm and collected personality.

False exited the cabin with a new refill of popcorn, watching in confusion as her friends entered the cabin one by one.

"Dammit, did I miss the whole thing?"

Meanwhile, Tango tried his best to keep calm and not charge at Keralis. Maybe that could wait until no one was looking.

And finally, Bdubs walked past Keralis and whispered, "A mistake, really."

But he didn't leave, unlike everyone else. He stood there, staring at the ground, which seemed odd to Keralis. Bdubs then spoke up again, muttering out two simple words.

"I'm sorry."

He fled before Keralis could question anything.

Ten seconds later, the cabin door slammed shut. His friends left him alone without even giving him a chance to explain or defend himself. At this point he had nobody, even the campfire began to wear out.

Keralis was hopeless now, it would take endless explaining to convince everybody he wasn't the killer. But by now, they all hated him and didn't wanna see him at all.

And all he could do now was accept it.


After around twenty minutes of swirling thoughts and endless tears, Keralis decided to go to sleep. He entered the silent cabin, which was obviously pitch black. He quietly crept inside and flipped on a lamp, revealing dim light.

The boy crept over to the room he slept in and tried to to open the door, but it just wouldn't budge. At first, he assumed the door was broken, it being a cabin in the middle of nowhere, it was unlikely anything got repaired. But that's when he came to a realization.

It was locked.

He could hear whispering from the other side of the door, and then tried the other bedroom door. It too wouldn't open.

Keralis sighed, accepting the fact no one wanted him near them. He sighed, strolling down the hallway hopelessly. He stopped in front of a freezing cold room, noticing a bed in the middle.

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go." Keralis rolled his eyes, entering the room and hopping in the bed.

The thing that caught his attention was the dim clock on the other side of the room. He watched as it slowly ticked, the ticks taking longer than usual, due to it being quite old from the looks of it. Keralis began to drift off from the sound of ticking.

"Sweet dreams~"

A voice sang, almost like they were mocking him.

He sprang up from the covers and faced the door, only to find an empty hallway.

"W-who's there!?"

Keralis shouted nervously, hopping out of bed and grabbing a pillow as a weapon. He began creeping around the creaky floorboards of the cabin, anxious that someone would pop up out of nowhere. But after a good- well, nervous ten minutes of searching, Keralis gave up.

He brushed it off as him just hearing things, but it was still hard to fall asleep after the incident.

"Five down, ten more to go."


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