Chapter 48

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Oh like hell she was. Bdubs had to go!

Stress reached for her backpack, which was across from her on the table, and pulled out a sweater. Not to wear it, but for the gun hidden inside.

It was surprising how Cub managed to find it, because Stress had to dig through the bag to find it.

The sound of crunching leaves caught her off guard. She sprung up and backed away, equipping the weapon. Stress put her attention on the tents, which were all zipped and closed, so who was up?

She turned to the shed where False, Ren, and Bdubs slept. It was probably Bdubs, wasn't it? It wouldn't be a surprise, as he probably woke up at this time to kill Cub.

Well, that seemed to be ruled out as well, as the shed was really creaky. It would've made a whole lot of noise if someone were to open its door, or even walk on it's old floorboards.

And that's when she heard it.

The sound of a puddle splashing from behind her. She gripped the pistol and stumbled backwards, pointing it in the direction she heard it.

But there was no one there?

Stress mumbled a curse word or two to herself before backing away, a little bit too much, as she stumbled and tripped over what felt like someone.

Stress was not about to die this early into the trip. At least the second death, not first, that would be embarrassing dying first. She was gonna leave that place for Bdubs, but if the plan backfires, then Cub would have it.

She pointed the weapon up, before looking up. Not a soul in sight.

Okay, someone was totally messing with her now. Yet, that was near to impossible. If it was just a random hermit pranking her, that certainly wouldn't end well for them.

Maybe it was just the wind, or maybe lack of sleep causing her to see things? Yeah, it was probably just the wind. Stress comforted herself with the lie and returned to the picnic table, where she sat in the thunderstorm. She would occasionally hear odd sounds, such as creaking of floorboards, or leaves being crushed as if someone was up, wandering the place. Stress didn't let them fool her anymore.

Well, that's when she heard a tent unzipping over the roaring of the thunder. She glanced over, and this time she actually saw the figure of a person.


She could now make them out from their voice, immediately identifying them as Cub. He approached, a dazzled look on his face.

Stress scrambled to hide the gun once again, but it wasn't where she left it, on the wet picnic table.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" He asked, rubbing an eye.

"Oh- um, it's nothing- I just couldn't sleep." She proceeded to blurt out in an effort to make an excuse, but she could tell Cub was questioning. There was a literal thunderstorm going on outside.

Stress was right, he raised an eyebrow and followed with a statement.

"You know, Stress, you're acting really strange these days," He began, his skeptic tone lowering into a more concerned one. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

She seemed to regain that deceiving, slightly comforting and reassuring voice that could fool anyone. Well, at least it never failed before.

"Cub, you know I wouldn't lie to you." She began warmly, "Well, exactly, I came out to check if it was raining that badly, because I couldn't sleep and kinda wanted to stay awake."

"Oh," He chuckled, "You should probably get some rest though, tomorrow's gonna be a busy day."

"You're right." She sighed. "Where are you going?"

"The bathroom, I woke up to a raccoon in my tent. I'm pretty sure it ran all over me when I was asleep."

Stress giggled. "Wow, lucky you!"

"I know, I know." Cub rolled his eyes jokingly. "I'm also gonna go grab a snack, you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm going to sleep right now."

"Oh, okay. Goodnight."


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