Chapter 30

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Just then, Xisuma and Mumbo ran into the room with Stress not far behind.

"What's going on?" Xisuma asked, tripping over a suitcase and landing flat on his face. Mumbo walked over to help him up when something caught his attention.

"You see that?" False mocked, aggressively pointing at the poison bottle. Mumbo looked at it, then False, and back repeatedly in confusion, but mostly surprise. He would've never suspected Bdubs to be the one everyone was looking for. But all the evidence was in front of him, wasn't it?

Xisuma, who was still on the floor, had gotten impatient for Mumbo to help him up. He rolled his eyes as he got up to teach his friend a lesson when he noticed his fellow hermits staring at... a suitcase? Xisuma decided to take a look himself just as someone walked inside.

Bdubs looked around the room, confused as to why it was so quiet. He quickly recognized the suitcase they were looking at was his, but was unsure why. He peeked through a gap only to see a bottle of poison buried under a shirt of his. His face changed from confused to horrified.


Everyone turned to Bdubs.

"Y'all deal with this, I'm out." Xisuma announced, tossing his cap on the floor and heading out the crowded room with his hands up. He was not ready to be killed, he knew things were about to go down in there. But X mainly left because he forgot his tea on the stove, and you know how Xisuma is without his tea.

All eyes went from Bdubs, then Xisuma and back to Bdubs.

"Explain yourself." Ren said coldly.

Bdubs had prepared for this just in case it happened; the murderer was clearly a wildcard, randomly framing their friends, killing at unexpected times, you get what I mean. Plus, he had been a victim of obvious framing multiple times.

Bdubs walked up to the bottle that was placed on his suitcase and crouched.

"Can't y'all tell this is a clear case of framing?"

"Oh, is it?" Stress mocked.

"Look- if I was the killer, I would've tried harder to hide my poison. But if someone was framing me, they would've placed it on top just like this so everyone could see." Bdubs explained. He looked at his friends as they glared at him suspiciously, then they looked at each other.

If how Tango was found dead in the same room as Bdubs, the notes that almost matched his handwriting, and all the other evidence against him wasn't enough to convince the hemits they had found the killer, literal poison that probably killed Impulse and Scar being found in Bdubs' luggage had to do the trick.

"You know what, I believe you." Mumbo spoke up. "It's obvious False put it in there while we were talking."

False froze. She looked up and locked eyes with Mumbo, causing a silence between the group, while Bdubs rushed to make popcorn to watch the show.

"Me?" False said out loud, "What do I even have to do with this? So what do you want me to do, pretend I never saw the damn poison in Bdubs'
suitcase?!" She yelled sarcastically. The rest watched silently, quite interested.

"Well I-" Mumbo attempted before getting cut off.

"Now that I think of it, it's weird how you always accuse me, just me, when I literally didn't do anything. I get you're the murderer and want everyone to suspect me, but at least try switching it up Mumbo!" False laughed.

Mumbo was caught off guard. Stress, who was beside him, was really not expecting this and choked on her grape juice in surprise.

"I am not the murderer! I'm just suspecting you because you are!" Mumbo blurted out.

"Mmmmhmmm, keep on saying that." False mocked.

"I used to think the killer was Bdubs but it's becoming more obvious that it's you." Ren spoke up, all eyes turning to him.

"Wait wha-" Bdubs muttered to himself, shocked how he wasn't the center of suspicion anymore, despite literal poison being found with him.

Stress cut in, "Let's not fight oka-"

"Why? Why do you think I'm the killer?" False simply asked.

"You've been acting weird and pretty sus, I just can't explain it. Plus you planned this camping trip." Ren shrugged, he had good reasons but didn't know how to say them.

"Bdubs had the idea, we picked the campsite together, he sent out invitations while I packed all the supplies for the trip. I'm pretty sure I didn't do all that myself."

As Ren was about to respond, someone did before he could.

"Weren't you the one who picked the campsite and I just agreed?" Bdubs spoke up.

False shot him a glare.

"Okay, okay, I'll admit I chose it but that's no reason to suspect me!"

"Oh yeah it is! You have the thingy that turns off the lights, plus you know where everything is to plan your murders!" Ren blurted out. "You picked a campsite so far away so we couldn't escape, and didn't let us take elytras so we couldn't fly away!"

False and Ren continued to argue until the blonde had enough and left the room.

The rest sat in silence, aside from Stress who was still choking on the grape juice. The silence continued until X entered the room.

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