Chapter 32

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The room remained silent for a minute.

"So... I guess we're all gonna die." Bdubs muttered under his breath.


"Don't think so negatively, we still have time!" Mumbo assured, squishing his friend by a hug.

"A lot of time." said Stress, in a darker tone than expected, "It's only been six days or something since we arrived here and Joe's picking us up in week or somethin', we're all gonna be dead in that time!"

"You're right, we can't survive another week in this stupid place." Ren sighed.

"Then why don't we get out of here?!" Bdubs shouted, his voice echoing through the small room.

"And where will we go exactly? We're in the middle of nowhere!" False snapped.

"Plus, we don't have elytras because of-" Ren mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear, faintly pointing to False and Bdubs from across the room. Bdubs quietly backed away.

"Look, I didn't know all this was gonna happen! I thought this was gonna be a normal camping trip so we restricted elytras like last time!"

"Yeah, keep on lying." Ren snickered.

"Believe what you want, I'm outta here." False abruptly announced. She grabbed her goggles and walked out the room without another word.

"Same, I'm gonna go take a nap." Bdubs yawned, bumping into a wall on his way out.

"Gotta start cooking, cya." said Mumbo.

"Why's everyone leaving?" Stress yelled, "So we're just gonna ignore the fact that we found poison in Bdubs' stuff AND how respawning was turned off?!"

No one responded, not even the remaining two in the room. Ren just sighed, got up, and left the room, drained of hope. Xisuma shut his computer and pulled out a plug, quickly tagging behind Ren.

Stress sighed.



The fire crackled loudly as sparks shot out, the situation calming down as sticks were added into the campfire. The cold breeze was shielded by the pleasuring heat of the fire, all as the sun slowly set.

A brunette boy wearing an orange top and black shorts plopped down on a thin, birch log. He yawned, followed by a sigh as he fidgeted with an empty water bottle.

Someone sat across from him. She had long, honey blonde hair in a ponytail with a white baseball cap, matching her plain black T-shirt and grey trousers.

The two glared at each other for what felt like an eternity until the cabin door swung open. There Bdubs stood, clueless to what he just interrupted.

"Look Mumbo, it's already nighttime! You didn't have to wake me up!"

"Oh be quiet." Mumbo laughed. "Also, can you do the laundry please?

"Ughhh, fineeee."

All except Ren, False, and Bdubs were preparing food, it was around 10pm. Hours had passed since the previous incident. Today's dinner was nothing special: just peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk with a side of fries.

Weird combination, I know, but who cares about health when there's a literal murder mystery going on?

As Xisuma stirred the last batch of fries and set it out to dry, he and the other two who helped make dinner left the kitchen and joined the rest at the campfire, leaving all the food exposed for about five minutes before Stress took everything outside.

Soon, everybody was seated around the campfire in silence.

"You guys wanna maybe... uhh, do something fun? Like watch a movie?" Stress piped up shyly, "I know the situation we're in right now is horrible, but we don't have to spend our days in misery..."

Turns out Stress' idea wasn't so bad.

"Sounds good, I'm in!" said Mumbo. "I have a few movies already downloaded on my laptop..."

"Heck yeah! I'm sick of these boring days!" Bdubs exclaimed excitedly, obviously drained of entertainment from the camping trip.

"I mean why not, seems fun!" Xisuma piped up, taking a bite of his peanut butter sandwich.

"Yeah sure-" False agreed as well, suddenly being cut off by someone she despised.

"No way! We need to figure out who the murderer is first!" Ren yelped, all attention turning to him. "It could be anyone sitting here!"

Things were about to go downhill from this point on. The group shared the thought with each other, each silently sighing.

"Don't start this, Ren. We just want one good night, is that too much to ask?" He looked over to who had said it, False.

"Stop trying to get us to forget about what's been going on! Who cares about a stupid movie night anyways?!" Ren growled, shooting her a death stare.

As the two continued to argue, well, as Ren continued to shout, with no clear topic, Xisuma felt someone leaning on him. He looked over- it was Mumbo.

"You tired?" Xisuma whispered quietly, ruffling his friend's messy curls.

"Not really, just feeling a bit sick..." The boy mumbled back.

"C'mon, let's go inside, I'll find you some medicine if we have any." Xisuma explained. He knew things wouldn't be looking good for Mumbo.

He got up and led Mumbo to the largest bedroom in the cabin, then tucked him in before darkness filled the room.


"WELL I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUSPICIOUS FROM DAY ONE!" Ren yelled, his voice cracking every other word.

"On the first day I literally saw you go to the bathroom multiple times during the night, only to find Cub dead in there in the morning." False began, "And I didn't tell a single soul because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship, now look what you're doing to me!"

"Look, I really didn't wanna call you out but I had to or else we'd all be dead by now!" Ren shot back.

"Umm, does anyone know where Xisuma and Mumbo went?" Bdubs muttered slowly, nervous from interrupting the argument.

Ren and False stopped for a moment and glanced around before shrugging and resuming their argument.

"They probably went to sleep, it's late anyways." Stress sighed, "Thanks for the great night."

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