Chapter 47

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Before Cub had any time to react, he was startled by a panicked voice. He didn't pay attention to who it was, as he was scrambling to stuff the gun back into the sweater, until realizing who was talking to him.

"Uhm, what are you doing with my-"

Stress snatched the bag away from him in the friendliest way possible, then smiled in hope he didn't find it.

Her smile faded as she caught a glimpse at what Cub was holding, and before she could make an excuse, he spoke up.

"Stress?" He began in a low, concerned voice, raising the weapon for her to see. "What's.. this..?"

Stress panicked in the moment. "It's not what you think it is, it's- uh," She couldn't decide which excuse would fit the most. She could lie and say it was an old backpack and the gun was probably placed inside years ago, or that she didn't know how it got in there. But at that moment, Stress just froze, she couldn't get anything out.

Great, just at a time like this. Usually she would be great at deceiving people, and even her own friends, but the ability seemed to disapear at ironically, a common moment of panic. Yes, panic wasn't all too unfamiliar to her, but this situation was a bit different, y'know? Being caught with a weapon on a getaway vacation with no reason to have it in the first place.

Stress kinda just stood in a panic, praying inside that Cub would just brush it off.

"STRESSS?? Oh, you're right here-"

The two turned around, where Scar was waving them over.

"Come on, dinner's ready!"

Well, he didn't brush it off, but anything to escape the situation was fine for Stress. She waited for Cub to leave, then shoved the pistol into her backpack.

She then joined everyone at the picnic table with a bright smile as if nothing had happened.


"And you won't believe what happens NEXT!"

Stress sighed and rolled over.

It was way past midnight, and Keralis and Cleo wouldn't stop blabbering on and on about their summer camp scary stories, and Xisuma was playing the guitar while singing along to a cheesy love song for some reason? How he even had space to bring it was a mystery.

Soon, a certain someone had enough of the chaos.

"Ugh! You have this whole campsite, so why don't y'all talk about your FAKE camp stories somewhere else?"

The three froze in shock as if they had just seen a ghost. They then turned around to Stress, who had snatched Cleo's bag of marshmallows and was watching, unimpressed.

"You... you want us to go out THERE?!" Keralis blurted out, flinging the flap open. He pointed at the forest in the distance.

"I mean, if you want- or you could just be quiet!"

"Can I atleast play my guit-"


Well, the three tried to protest but Stress had made up her mind and you can't argue with her after that. A lot of complaining later, the chatter had finally faded away and the campsite remained silent.

Now, Stress had some particular business to attend to.

She did a quick check to make sure the others were asleep, then unzipped the tent. But that's when she noticed consistent crunching of leaves, most likely meaning someone else was out there.

Curious, Stress peeked out, but no one was there. She exited the tent as quietly as possible and surveyed the area. There wasn't much commotion, just a slight breeze and cricket noises in the distance.

The coast was clear, so Stress slipped on her shoes.

She felt faint rain drops from above. Approaching a picnic table, Stress had the realization she hadn't planned ahead. She couldn't just kill Bdubs, now, could she? What if she was caught?

She sat in the rain, simply wondering what was to come.

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