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I got the idea from a Spanish video, but I can't find it so sorry :/

Tyler's POV-

I walked into the living room of the house I owned with my boyfriend, David. We'd been together for three years, a crazy thought for me. I had never had relationships that lasted longer than a couple of months before David. David, my adorably goofy boyfriend I met back in my senior year of high school. David, who had been being bullied and taunted the day I met him, or rescued him whenever he tells it. David, who, even though he was blind, still brightened my day and made me feel like the whole world was perfect, just because he was in it. He never let his blindness hinder his positivity and happiness, even though he was taunted and teased for it because people are asshats. Back to the living room and away from me fawning over my amazing boyfriend, David was sitting in the chair next to the window, sitting like a cat in the sun. He had a book in his lap, fingers trailing over the raised bumps in the page, telling him what the words said in the book. His sightless brown eyes stared unseeingly at the wall across from him but at the soft sound of my feet on the carpet, he turned his head towards me, tilting it slightly.

"Tyler? Is that yee?"

"Hey David, whatcha readin?"

"It's called Ready Player One, it's a book about the future and video games and evil corporations! It's really good!"

He smiled brightly in my general direction, looking a bit off to my right. I walked over to him and sat in the chair next to him, gently touching his shoulder so he'd know I'm here. He leaned in a bit, signaling he wanted a kiss. I gently cupped his cheek and brought his face to mine, gently kissing him. He kissed back happily and, when we broke apart, blushed slightly. I don't think he realized he did that, it's just something he always did when I kissed him. It just made me love him even more. I grabbed his hand in mine and squeezed it gently, getting a squeeze in response from him.

"Can you read some of it to me, David?"

His face brightened even more, he loved it when I asked him to read to me or I read to him.

"Of course, Tyler! Lemme find my spot!"

He searched the page a bit for it. Once he found it, near the bottom, he cleared his throat and started reading to me. I took a small piece of paper from my pocket that he didn't hear, too absorbed in the reading already. I'd had this custom made and, as he flipped to the next page, I laid it gently on the page he wasn't on. It was about the size of the real page, a little big, so David didn't notice when he switched pages. My heart beat faster with nerves and I bit my lip anxiously as he started on the page.

"You are the light of my life, I can't imagine life without yee...Wait, this doesn' sound right."

"Keep reading, maybe it's meant to be like that."

He shrugged, a confused frown still on his face as he continued on.

"T'ere's so much I want teh say to yee, I can't even describe how much I love yee. Yee make ev'ry day better and the years I've known yee have been the best of my life. I never want teh lose yee, so dere's a question I need teh ask yee. David Nagle, will"

His eyes had widened considerably towards the end and his hands were shaking as the book fell to the floor with a thud. I slid to the floor and down on one knee, keeping ahold of his hand the whole way so that he'd know where I was. I pulled the little box out of my pocket and opened it, guiding his hand to it so that he could feel it. As soon as he did he gasped, his other hand flying to his mouth as tears welled up in his eyes.


"David, you are, and forever will be, the love of my life. I can't picture a day without you in this world. I promise I will live with you and take care of you for the rest of my life. I just want to show the world that you are forever mine and I am forever yours. So, David. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

His mouth opened and closed as he searched for the words he wanted to say. Finally, he let out a sob and suddenly threw himself at me, knocking me to the ground with a yelp. His hands quickly searched my face and he found my lids, kissing me hard before he pulled back, beaming as tears ran down his face.

"Yes Tyler, yes a million times over!"

I laughed and grabbed his face in my hands, kissing him passionately. He kissed back with an equal fervor and, when we had both run out of air, broke apart gasping. I took the ring out of the box and grabbed his hand, slipping it on. He started running his other hand over it, feeling it quickly, before putting his hand on my face, feeling my expression, which was one of pure joy.

"I love yee so much Tyler, I'm so happy that yee proposed! I wanna spend forever with yee."

"Good, cause I wanna spend forever with you, too. I love you so much David. I'm so glad you said yes!"

"Of course I said yes, yee silly piggy!"

I laughed and kissed him again, overjoyed. This was all I wanted.

Forever and always is all I had ever wanted with David.

And that was what I was gonna get. 

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