Last Dance(Krii7y)

121 7 2

Best if you put this on loop :)

John's POV-



I sprinted around the corner, being chased by Matt and his goons. My eye was starting to swell, and I didn't need a mirror to know it was turning black. I scrambled through an alley, hopped on top of a dumpster, fell over a fence, and hobbled my way out of the alley, the guys yelling that I was dead meat.

Gotta hide gotta hide gotta hide-ooo!

There was a door that was ajar in another side alley. I had no clue what it led to, except for hopeful sanctuary. I slipped through, closing it behind me just as I heard their yelling coming closer. I heard the kerTHUNK of a heavy lock in the door and I sighed in relief, drooping against the door.

That's when I heard it. The music. The soft, haunting melody floated towards me, seemingly wrapping around me and tugging me up from my spot at the door. I followed it as it led me to an auditorium. The stage was lit up and, on the stage, was a boy. Probably about my age, about my height, dark brown hair that curled lightly at the nape of his neck and where it had been coated with the sweat from his forehead. His eyes were closed as he moved with the music, his slim, lithe body moving easily in time with the beautiful music. All I could think was...


I stood in the middle of one of the aisles, mouth agape as he moved smoothly, dancing a beautiful, enticing dance on the stage, flowing through ballet moves I've never seen before. The music pulled at me, persuading my body to move on its own accord. I slowly walked up to the stage, freezing when the boy's eyes opened, staring straight into mine as he finished a twirl. They were a burning brown, like two glowing embers. I heard rain start up outside, only adding a slightly creepy ambiance to the deserted auditorium. He did a slow plie, looking me in the eyes as a slow smile grew on his face. He extended a hand to me, palm up, and beckoned for me to come on stage with him with one slim finger. My feet moved, detached from my clouded mind, scaling the stairs quickly.

"W-Who are you?"

He just smiled and spun over to me, the picture of graceful. He had a boy's ballet clothes on, hugging him and fitting his frame perfectly. He gently took my hand. His fingers were cold. He stopped in front of me, he was only an inch or two shorter than me.

"Dance with me."

His voice was smooth, light, and H A W T. It sent shivers up my spine, there was something in the back of my mind that was sending out warning signals. I was normally a pretty rational person, I listened to my gut a lot, and my gut told me that all was not as it seemed. But his meer present made my heart race.

Dance with him.


Do it.


He's so hot, dance with him!

Something's wrong here, don't do it!



"I don't know how to dance."

I blurted that out, immediately blushing. He just smiled and spun around me, letting go of my hand. He ended back in front of me, but closer than before. The music turned more insisting, almost. He wrapped his arms around my neck, draping himself over me. I gulped, scared, but also extremely interested. I want him. I want him badly.

"Please? I don't want to be lonely anymore. Stay with me."

His cold, sweet breath fanned across my face, intoxicating me even more. Through the haze that dulled the bad feeling I had and made me even needier than I was before. Through my muddled state, I was able to get a few words to form in my brain.

"W-What's your n-name?"

"Jaren, yours?"


"I like you, John. Dance with me."


He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, making shivers rush up my spine and making my eyes close. I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him tighter to me. He felt like a drug to me, the music swirling with his scent, his voice, his body...God, it was just too much at once. I felt intoxicated, but if I was on a high, I never wanted it to end. One of his hands was tangled in my hair, the other tracing patterns on my back. It felt cold in the room, but it felt good at the same time. He nuzzled my neck, running his nose along the bottom of my chin before pulling away slightly. He moved the hand in my hair to trace a finger down my jaw and under my chin, holding it there.

"Dance with me."

I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding and nodded mutely. I would do anything for this beautiful, alluring creature. Anything. He smiled, his teeth glinting in the bright light. He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him as he backed up on the stage.

And then we were dancing. We spun across the stage together, him leading me in a beautiful, breathtaking dance that sent my heart racing. I felt like I was getting colder and colder, shivering now. My limbs were stiff. I stumbled, fell.

"Get up, John. Why won't you dance with me?"

He spun around me again, a picture of elegance. He smiled again at me. I forced myself up, stumbled, collapsed again. He just kept smiling.

"Dance with me, John, dance with me."

I whimpered, shoving myself to my feet once more with limbs that wouldn't cooperate. I caught a glimpse of my fingers. They were turning blue. I had to keep dancing with him, though. I needed him. I stumbled again. He was right in front of me. I fell. He caught me. I looked into his eyes. The embers still burned, pulling me in. He laid me down, still smiling. I forced myself to hold onto him, my stiff hands curled into claws, gripping the fabric of his clothes. They changed under my hands, though. Instead of ballet clothes, they were long, flowing black robes. He looked beautiful. I still felt intoxicated by him. His presence, the music, the smell of him, his eyes, his smile...

The heady concoction put just enough life into me for me to speak one last time.

"W-W-Who-o-o-o  a-a-re  y-y-you-u?"

He smiled. Raised a hand to gently caress my face. Detached my hands from his clothes and laid me down fully. He bent down, his face mere centimeters from mine. His eyes were roaring flames now, not embers. His sweet breath fanned over me again and my heart stuttered. He was still smiling.

His lips gently pressed against mine, soft and cold. My body felt tingly, and then like lead. My eyes slid shut. My breathing stopped. My heart stopped.

"Death, my dear."

Hey everybody! Random inspiration led to this. I hid three major symbols in here, please let me know in the comments what you think they are and what they stand for! I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot :3

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