Missing Piece(Krii7y)

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Song is My Life Is A Party by the Italobrothers. 

John's POV-

People come up to me often and say one of two things. Either your life is great, or your life is a party. I think the latter is the more accurate of the two. My life was a blur of parties, clubs, bars and large stadiums full of screaming fans. It'd be easy for anyone to look at it from the outside and say it's amazing. Parts of it were, of course. I'd travelled all over the world, playing shows in some of the biggest cities in the world. Things were practically handed to me on a silver platter. I have a huge mansion with an amazing yard and plenty of fast and expensive cars. I have butlers, for crying out loud. I have so much money that I could wipe my ass with hundred dollar bills. (my friend died laughing when she read that and idk why...)

But there was one thing missing. Happiness. You might think, with all of these amazing things I've done and seen, I've gotta be happy, right? I wasn't. I was missing something. What it was, I didn't know. I couldn't fully enjoy myself. I vaped, trying to numb myself and ignore the ache that bogged me down. I drank myself stupid most nights, hating the feeling that I was missing something. I tried to enjoy my life, I really did. But it was like a piece of me was missing and I was walking around one-sided.

I hated it.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror backstage. This was the second show in a five show leg. Windsor, Ontario. I fluffed my hair out and studied my tired eyes.

Let's do this...I guess.

My opening act had just finished up and they were almost done setting the stage for my act, setting up the DJ booth with my mixtables. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. I could hear the fans screaming my name. Well, stage name.


The stage manager tapped me on the shoulder, telling me I had a minute until I went on. I took another deep breath and grabbed my vape, taking a hit before handing it off to an assistant to take back to my dressing area. I was handed my favorite guitar, a black electric guitar with neon blue and white highlights. It looked like a cloud of stylized vapour. It was really beautiful.

They motioned for me to take the stage, and like I had every single time before, I did. The fans screamed out in excitement, going absolutely nuts. I took my position and, raising a fist up in a show of triumph, I let the beat drop on one of my first ever songs, the fans screaming and going wild. As the show went on, I scanned the crowd, giving my best smile. I don't know why, but it was worse today, the feeling that something was off. It was like an ache in my chest and it pained me, but part of performing was putting on a show...and the show must go on.

I was about two-thirds of the way through, the ache having turned into more of a pain, until my eyes landed on one man in the raging crowd. He was like a rock in the churning tide of people, never moving except a slight sway to the beat. He looked young, maybe 22, 23. He had curly brown hair that looked fluffier than a cloud. His skin was pale. Like milk flashed through my head. He was in the middle of the floor crowd and looked bothered by something. My first thought was that it was because of the multitude of bodies slamming into him from all sides. I had the feeling, though, that that was only a sliver of the source of his uncomfortableness. He had a small v between his eyebrows, looking worried. His full, pink lips turned down in a slight frown. I could tell it wasn't because he didn't like the music. It was something...else. My eyes finally connected with his and it felt like a bolt of energy shot through me, taking the pain in my chest away as I finally looked into his beautiful, chocolate brown eyes. I identified the emotion on his face in shock.

He was concerned. He was CONCERNED about ME. No one was ever concerned about me. They were concerned about not getting money or other things FROM me, but they were never concerned ABOUT me. His eyes drew me in, and I felt safe. I felt safe for the first time in forever. I felt whole. Then the connection broke between us as he was bumped, staggering slightly and tilting his head away, and I had to continue turning my gaze to the rest of the crowd. As soon as our eye contact broke, that feeling of being safe and whole disappeared, the ache and loneliness coming back. It only lasted the span of a second, but it was enough. Enough for me to yearn for that feeling again. To wish I knew who this mysterious man was and why he made me feel this way.

Who ARE you?

The rest of the show passed in a blur. When I turned my gaze back to where he had stood, he was gone. I looked around, disguising my panic by bobbing my head and acting like I was jamming to the beat. I couldn't find him, he was gone. When the show was over, I hurried through my goodbyes and thank yous, hurrying backstage. The assistants and managers started badgering me, talking about how good the show was, what could improve, what I still needed to do...it was too much. I shoved through them, yelling that I needed them to leave me alone for five minutes. I stormed over to my dressing room and snatched my vape, taking it and practically running outside. I needed the fresh air. I burst into the alley beside the building, taking a hit of my vape as soon as I was out the door. It did nothing to relieve the pain, which had practically doubled in the time since I had seen the man. I took another hit anyway, running my free hand through my hair.

"You know, smoking kills."

I whirled around, eyes widening at the voice. It was friendly, a warm sound that comforted me. The voice had a strong personality to it, and I knew instinctively that whoever it belonged to would be interesting. A dark figure resided in the shadows of the alley. As I narrowed my eyes, the figure stepped into the weak light that filtered in from the streetlamps outside, illuminating his face. It was the man from inside. Immediately, the pain I felt was erased as I met his kind gaze. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips and his eyes sparked with amusement, the concern still hanging behind it. I gave him a small smirk, the smartass part of my brain activating. I held the vape pen up, wiggling it.

"Well, this isn't smoking, it's vaping." I stated with a grin, winking at him. I didn't even know his name, but I still felt oddly comfortable around him. He laughed, and his laugh was beautiful. Was probably the best sound in the whole world. He grinned at me.

"Always heard you were a smartass, didn't think I'd see it up close." It was my turn to laugh, finding his comment funny.

"Well, now you have. Is it as bad as you thought it'd be?" He chuckled and cocked his head at me. "I don't know yet. I haven't really been around you enough to know. But...I'd like to." He was blushing by the end of his sentence, and it was honestly really, really cute. I cocked an eyebrow at him and grinned.

"Oh really? Well, mysterious Canadian man, I don't even know your name." His blush deepened as he shuffled nervously. "S-Sorry. My name's Jaren. Jaren Smith." He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I did. As soon as our hands touched, though, it was like a bolt of electricity shot up my hand and I yelped, jumping back and holding my hand. He did the same, looking at me with wide eyes while rubbing his hand.

"You felt that too?!" I questioned, looking at him with wide eyes. He nodded, looking confused. I pursed my lips, confused by the strange sensation that was more than just static electricity. What did it mean? I wasn't sure, but I smiled. Whatever it meant, it had to do with this gorgeous man in front of me. "Well, Mr. Jaren Smith, that was definitely...something. Would you like to have a cup of coffee at my trailer? Talk for a little while?" He looked at me in shock before giggling lightly. That giggle made my heart thump unevenly.

"Isn't it almost midnight?" I laughed, nodding. "It is...but it's never too late for coffee!" We both laughed. I offered my hand to him, palm up. An invitation. He looked at it, confusion in his eyes, before he tentatively took it. We both tensed, preparing for a shock, but none came. We both relaxed and he smiled. His hand was warm and soft, and it fit perfectly in mine. We both exchanged a warm smile as I led him back towards my trailer. We were both blushing like crazy, but I felt...happy. Content. Like I had found my place, right next to this beautiful man.

And I knew...I never wanted to leave.

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