Camping Trip Gone Wrong(Werewolf!Krii7y)

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Song is Monster by Imagine Dragons. You can tell I'm running out of titles lol. I was never good at those.

Jaren's POV-

Why? Why did they choose to go camping on Halloween of all nights?! And why did it have to be a full moon tonight?! And why the hell did he not check beforehand if there would be a full moon?! He'd tried everything to get out of it, but it was no use. He couldn't fake a sickness with his parents around, or a family emergency, or that he had homework because the teachers hadn't given them any so that they could celebrate Halloween freely. And besides, his friends were a very persistent bunch. How could he think he'd be able to get out of this without his friends literally dragging him out of the house? He should've checked, but there was only a full moon on Halloween every 19 years. Of course, with his luck, it was this year that had that special Halloween full moon.

What was he going to do? What if he ended up hurting one of his friends? What if he killed someone? What if-

"Jaren!" He turned his head quickly, startled by the sound of John calling his name. He hadn't even realized that he'd been staring off into space for a while. He shook his head and smiled at his best friend. "Sorry, I was spacing out again. What were you saying?" He laughed and shook his head at me.

"I was saying you've been really spacey lately. Is everything alright? You keep staring at the sky." I swallowed thickly, I hadn't realized I'd been doing that. "Uh, yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Just thinking about some things." I heard Tyler chuckle and I leaned past John to see Tyler. We were in the van heading to the campsite and it was about 11:00 AM.

"Yeah, I think I know who-I mean what you're thinking about." I glared at him as everyone snickered except for John, who just looked plain confused. I huffed and crossed my arms, turning my gaze towards the window. John, Tyler, Evan, Brian, and I were all heading out to have a camping trip and he regretted everything. He had only foreboding feelings coming from this trip. What a time to be a werewolf.

~le time skip~

Well, setting up the tents was a struggle, that's for sure. It took us probably an hour after getting there just to get those dambed things up, and even then we didn't have enough for everyone to have their own. Brian and Evan were sharing one, Tyler got his own because he was a literal giant, and John and I were sharing one, which made me nervous. If only sharing a tent with my crush was my biggest worry. No, I was more worried about tearing the throat of my crush out while he slept. We all took a walk through the woods after finally getting the tents set up. It was nice, it was pretty peaceful out there, but I couldn't really enjoy it. I was marking out a spot I might be able to go to tonight before the moon rose. I lost sight of John a few times but he'd always pop up and scare the shit out of me in normal John fashion. After a couple of hours of horsing around, we walked back, gathering sticks and branches for a fire. We built the fire and had it going about 20 minutes after we got back. It was almost three and I estimated I had about three more hours until I needed to get the hell outta there, no matter what any of my friends said.

Those three hours went way too quickly. It was about 5:50 and I was sitting away from the rest of the group as they made hot dogs on the fire. I stared at my feet as I fidgeted with my necklace. It was a silver compass on a gold chain. It had been a gift from John on my last birthday. I still remember the words he told me as I held it up out of the box.

"This way you won't get lost again. It'll always point you back home."

I'd gotten lost in the woods after being chased in by a group of jocks who really loved picking on me and my phone was dead so I couldn't call for help. I'd had no clue where I was or where I'd come from and I was scared. They found me early in the morning the next day, freezing and scared. I hadn't taken it off since that day. It was a little worn now, a little dull, but I still loved it and I had used it plenty of times. Suddenly someone, or should I say a few someones, plopped down next to me. I jerked my head up to see all of the guys had sat on either side of me on my bench, looking at me with concerned expressions. Brian spoke first, biting his lip.

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