Night Fishing(BasicallyIDo407)

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Song is Fishing in the Dark by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. 

Marcel's POV-

"Come on Marceeeel, you're so slow!"

My amazing boyfriend, Scott, balanced on a precipice of rock that jutted out over the lake he had dragged me out to on this hot evening. The sun was setting low over the treetops, shimmering over the small waves of this peaceful place. He had two fishing poles, a tackle box, and a couple of chairs slung over his shoulders on straps. I groaned and looked at him, worriedly. He had brought me out here to get me out of the house and get me to stop worrying about my channel and videos. He was planning on teaching me how to fish.

"Scott, are you sure I can't take something? You're not a pack animal, you don't need to carry everything..." He grinned at me and shook his head. "Nope! I've got it! This is your first fishin adventure!" He mimed wiping a tear from his face. "Oh ma gosh, I'm so proud."

I shoved him and scoffed. "C'mon Scott, I'm only out here cause you were so desperate to get me out of the house. I don't wanna touch any slimy fish." He laughed as he righted himself and hopped off the boulder, looking like he was born in the sticks as he expertly guided me to his spot, a nice little shaded clearing on the edge of the water. He started setting things up, and then pulled a hidden speaker out of his pocket, putting on some soft music. He started teaching me how to bait a rod, what types of hooks you needed for the different types of fish, everything. He laughed when I refused to touch the worms, gagging at their slimy flesh. We spent nearly five minutes of him chasing me around with a worm while I screamed for him to get that thing away from me.

We finally stopped and settled down, him baiting my rod as I watched. We both cast it out as the light slowly faded from the world. I glanced over at Scott, who had a content expression on his face. "Hey babe? Why did you want to fish now, when it's basically night time?" He chuckled and smiled at me warmly.

"Simple. Night fishing is so amazing. It's cooler out, and all the nightlife comes out. You'll see." He said this firmly, as though it was the most obvious thing ever. I chuckled as I turned back to my rod. We spent a while fishing as fireflies and the moon shone light on the scene around us. We caught some, mostly Scott, although I caught my first ever fish. We talked and laughed and sang stupidly to the songs that came on. It was really nice, refreshing. We threw the fish back in once we caught them, not needing to take them with us. The night was still kinda hot, so we ended up abandoning our poles and jumping in the water, swimming around and splashing each other, laughing all the while.

After we were done swimming we laid together on the cool, spongy grass, enjoying the warm night and each other's company. A song came on that seemed familiar, but I couldn't recall what its name was. Scotty pushed himself up and held out a hand for me to take. Surprised, I obliged, grasping his soft, warm hand in mine. He pulled me close to his chest and we swayed slowly back and forth in the comforting circle of each other's arms. It wasn't until the chorus came up did I really recognize the song.

"You and me goin fishin in the dark, lyin on our backs and countin the stars, where the cool grass grows. Down by the river in the full moonlight we'll be fallin in love in the middle of the night, just movin slow."

Our voices mingled together in harmony, rising over the small lake as we sang the chorus together. The night creatures joined in as a pleasing accompaniment. And together we sang under the stars, holding each other close.

I was the luckiest man on Earth, I couldn't imagine anyone else I'd rather have in my arms. 

Short, I know, but I thought it was a cute little bit of floof :3 If you guys have any requests or even just ships, feel free to leave them in the comments or dm me! I know I'm not very frequent with updates, but I try my best to get them out as fast as I can. Love you all, thanks for being amazing human beans <3

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