Fate is Cruel(H2OVanoss)

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Song is Moral of the Story by Ashe ft. Niall Horan. Kinda got the idea for this story from this song. Not surprisingly, lol.

Evan's POV-

I missed him. I missed him so much. My heart ached for the man who I loved, but how could I still love him after what he hid from me? Well, I'm not really any better. Hold on, I've gotten ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

Jon and I were so in love. All of our friends had shipped us from the beginning. We were perfect. We had the same loves and passions. Our personalities meshed perfectly. We were inseparable. But I hid a secret from him. One secret, you wouldn't think it would have been this catastrophic, but...well. I was Nightowl, protector of the city, hero to the people and archenemy to the notorious criminal Delirious. It was my goal to catch him and finally put him behind bars, where he'd be for life.

No matter what I did, though, he always escaped me. I got so involved with my hunt, so desperate to find him and put an end to his reign of terror, that I started spending less time with Jon. We started drifting apart, it was harder for us to connect. We'd fight and make up. We still loved each other, but I was putting stress on our relationship. Then, I heard a police report one night. Jon was out with his friend Luke, who was having a bachelor party. I didn't know him very well, but he seemed like a nice guy. There was a bank robbery in progress by Delirious, and he was holding people hostage. The police couldn't get close. So I put on my suit and my owl mask and went to go stop him.

Our battle got pretty heated. Both of us got scraped up quite a bit. My priority was to save the hostages. I was able to provide enough of a distraction for the hostages to get out. I lashed out at the psychopathic criminal in front of me with my brass knuckles, hitting him in the face. That's when shit really hit the fan. I had hit him at such an angle that his mask strap had snapped from the strain and his mask fell to the floor with a soft ~thud~ that seemed deafening to me as I stared in shock and horror at Delirious's exposed face. There was no denying who it was. The soft, jet-black hair that I had run my fingers through multiple times, those full, pink lips, always so soft and sincere when pressed against mine. And those eyes. Those piercing, electric blue eyes. Eyes I had stared into so many times, eyes that had looked at me with so much warmth before but were now filled with an icy chill that sent a shudder up my spine.

Jonathan Dennis.

He grabbed his mask and held it against his face, averting his gaze away from me and hiding his face. He was quick to run and I was too shocked to follow. No. No. NonononononononononoNO! Not him, anyone but him. I rushed home quickly, getting cleaned up and jumping into bed, pretending to be asleep when he came home almost an hour later. I couldn't sleep that night. I knew what I NEEDED to do, but could I? That thought plagued me all night, keeping sleep just out of reach. By the time the sun rose and Jon left for work, I knew what I had to do. Whether or not I loved him, he was dangerous, and a criminal. Tears slipped silently down my cheeks as I stared up at the ceiling, formulating a plan. Jon and I were pretty evenly matched in combat, and I really didn't want to hurt him. So I came up with a plan to, hopefully, not have anyone get hurt. But it'd rip both of our hearts to shreds. I got up, it was time to put the plan in motion.

I set about ransacking the house, making it look like someone had broken in. I left a note scrawled in messy handwriting that didn't resemble mine. Basically, I made it look like I had been kidnapped by Nightowl and I would be let go if he came to a warehouse location I wrote down and turned himself in. Then I set off our alarm system, which would alert Jon. Before I had even left, donning my red jacket and bringing my suit and mask, just in case, he was calling me, probably freaking out. I let it roll to voicemail as tears rolled down my face. I quickly left, going straight to the warehouse. I strapped myself to a chair, hiding my suit and mask just out of sight and slipping a pair of handcuffs into my sleeve.

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