Space Cadet(Krii7y)

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This is another short one but I had a great idea and thought it was really cute so :/ It's actually even cuter than I thought it'd be lol. I really like it. And sorry for the overabundance of Krii7y. I'm obsessed with them and I just think they're too cute don't judge >:0

Jaren's POV-

Two towering figures reared up out of the clouds, fury on their seething faces. The God of Lightning and the God of Rain were pissed at each other again. They clashed against each other as they swirled in the clouds, each crash resulting in a boom of thunder.

"You're always interfering with my time!" The God of Lightning snarled, flipping his now-soaked long, bleached-blonde hair out of his face. "I'M always interfering?! You're the one who always draws away from me with your FLASHINESS!" The God of Rain shot back, dodging a lightning bolt thrown his way with anger in his chocolate brown eyes.

"I give you plenty of time! You hardly give me any!" The God of Lightning snarled, tossing more bolts at the other. The God of Rain dodged again and again, making wide, sweeping gestures to try and douse the other, whipping him with stinging droplets. "Bullshit! I make you look cooler! You just draw the attention away from me!" The Gods growled at each other like caged dogs, angry at their perceived injustices.

"Eat electricity water spout!"

"In your dreams you glorified bug zapper!"

"Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith! JAREN SMITH!"

I yelped, falling sideways out of my chair as my teacher's harping voice screeched next to my ear, the amazing scene that had been playing in my head dissipating quickly. I peered up at her through my semi-long brown hair, blowing it out of my face as I met her glare. I gave her a sheepish smile as I pulled myself back into my chair, face flushed with embarrassment as the class broke down in laughter at my fall.

"I would appreciate it if you would refrain from entertaining your daydreams in my class Mr. Smith, unless you'd like to do it in the principal's office?" I cleared my throat, rubbing the back of my neck and wishing my face didn't look like a traffic light. "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am. It won't happen again ma'am." She rolled her eyes and continued on with her lesson. I breathed a sigh of relief but heard someone snicker to my left. I glanced over to see John trying to hold back his laughter. I glared at him and he snickered again.

"What did I tell you about losing yourself in the clouds, space cadet?" I pouted at the nickname, huffing and turning my attention back to the board while trying not to look at the storm outside, knowing I'd get lost in it again. It was a very boring 37 minutes until class ended.

John and I met up after school to head back home. It was still pouring and I leaned against him to share his umbrella, walking hand-in-hand towards his house, where we'd usually hang out after school. Along the way I would leap, giggling, into puddles and would dance around in them, soaking my pants without a care. John laughed, watching me act like a little kid. He scolded me for getting my pants wet, complaining that I'd get his couch wet and then I'd be complaining that I was cold. I assured him I wouldn't as we continued on to his house. When we got there I immediately snagged two blankets from the back of the couch, taking my wet pants off and quickly wrapping the blanket around them before yeeting myself onto the couch. He laughed at me and I made grabby motions towards him, wanting his warmth. Was I freezing? Abso-fucking-lutely. Would I admit it? Hell na.

He plopped down next to me and I immediately wormed my way into his arms, curling up in his lap and burying my face in his chest. He laughed, holding me close as he wrapped the other blanket around us both.

"What did I tell you would happen?"

"...shut up..."

His laughter filled the house and warmed me up more than any blanket could. I reajusted a bit and looked out the window at the storm that still raged on. I stared at the lightning that flashed in jagged lines across the sky and the rain that lashed the windows, two figures rising up in the clouds once again to scream insults at each other.

"Jaren? Heeelllloooo? Earth to Jaren?"

I jumped, shaking my head and looked at John, who was looking at me with one raised eyebrow. He chuckled when he saw my face and ruffled my hair.

"What am I gonna do with you, my little space cadet?" I smiled and snuggled into his chest, curling up, so much so that I resembled a ball at this point. "Take me to the moon?" I suggested sleepily, yawning as my eyes fluttered shut and sleep tugged at the edges of my consciousness. Just before I passed out I heard him chuckle and press a soft kiss to my forehead, laying me down on top of him.

"Of course, my little space cadet. We'll explore the galaxy together."

Gaaahhh, cuteness.

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