Cheating (Minicat)

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You're gonna need to wait to play the song till I tell you to little Jimmy :3 (Song is How Long by Charlie Puth)

(Also, trigger warning-mentions of suicide at the end)

Craig's POV-

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. This wasn't unusual for me anymore. The only times I actually got out of bed was to go to the gym for hours on end, working out my anger and sadness there, and to get groceries when needed. I didn't feel the need to move or anything, period. No one told you that when you get your heart broken it feels quite like this. All of the songs and books and movies could never prepare me for this. Without even realizing it, I started crying, tears following the well-worn paths that so many others had followed. I didn't even have the energy to wipe them away anymore. Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table. I shut my eyes tightly and sighed, throwing my weight in one direction so that I could roll onto my side and grab my phone. I picked it up, turning it on. I squinted at the harsh light and waited for my eyes to adjust to its harsh brilliance. Once my eyes had fully adjusted I opened my phone to see that I had a message from my agent, Evan. 

(E=Evan, C=Craig)

E-Craig, I know ur hurting, but u can't sit inside and wallow in sorrow forever. U have an audience and u need to produce another song for them

Oh yeah, I didn't mention this, did I? I'm a singer. I'm the biggest unknown singer and by that I mean I've never shown my face. Of course there are way bigger artists than me over all, but with the unknown artists, I have the biggest following and the most popular songs. Pretty big, right? I think so too. I knew what Evan was talking about. He was talking about the fact that I had discovered my boyfriend of two years, Tyler Wilde, had cheated on me at least once with some chick named Kelly. That was two months ago and since then I had been a wreck. He was my one and only, I had loved him more than air itself, yet he had taken my heart that I had so stupidly trusted him with and slammed it into the ground. He'd of course tried to apologize, calls and texts and standing outside my house while yelling that he was sorry and he wanted a second chance. I ignored him to the best of my abilities. He had just shattered my heart, why should I listen to him? Ever since I had abandoned my music, had stopped hanging out with friends, had just stopped everything. I sighed and ran a hand down my face. I knew Evan was right, but that didn't mean I had to like it. 

C-I know Ev. If it makes u feel better, I'm gonna head to the studio and c if I can't put something together in my head. I need to move on.

E-That's great! I'm glad ur getting out. Take ur time Craig, u don't need to rush it.

C-Ik, I'll ttyl

E-Ttyl Craig, gl!

I threw my phone back on the bedside table and groaned as I hauled myself up into a sitting position. I hunched over, staring down at my bare feet hanging just above the dark wood flooring. I took a few deep breaths, squeezing my eyes shut. Finally I opened my eyes, reached over to the table, and grabbed my black, square glasses, shoving them on my face and shaking my head lightly. I shoved off the bed, my feet hitting the cold wood and I shivered at its touch. I quickly tip-toed my way over to my closet, grabbing some socks and putting them on so that my feet didn't freeze and turn into blocks of ice. I shuffled deeper into my closet, looking for an outfit that I can go out in. As I was sorting through the sweaters hanging up in my closet my hands stilled at a nearly hidden sweater. It was bigger than my others and was a light pink color with a cartoonish pig drawn on the front. I swallowed thickly as I felt more tears gather in my eyes. I gently pulled the fabric off the hanger and held it in my trembling hands. Slowly, I lifted it up to my nose and sniffed lightly at the fabric. I shuddered at the smell, a light mix of pine, mint, and his cologne. Jesus, it still smelled like him. I gulped and without really thinking about it, I pulled off my night shirt and pulled the sweater on over my head, the fabric momentarily getting caught on my glasses before I pulled it past, tugging on it so that it was fully on. 

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