Stay Deli-bear(H2OVanoss)

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Song is Heartless by Diplo, Morgan Wallen, and Julia Michaels. This is one of the first ideas I ever had, but it kept getting buried in others. This would've been back in July lol. Hope you enjoy :)

Jon's POV-

He was gone again. Can't say I was surprised, he's gone more than he's home these days. He always comes home the same, smelling of perfume or foreign cologne, lipstick smudges, and rumpled clothes. I could tell he tried to clean up each night, he still didn't think I noticed. Or maybe he did and was doing this for spite. He always claimed it was work that had kept him out into the wee hours of the morning, or a friend wanted to hang out, or some other bullshit excuse. I knew he was out at clubs and bars and shit, picking up guys or girls and going back to their place to fuck. It couldn't be more obvious at this point. Maybe I wasn't enough for him anymore. Maybe he realized there were hotter people in the world than me. Better in bed. Better at providing money. Better at giving him the attention he craved.

I tried to give him everything. I DID give him everything. I gave him my money, my love, my virginity, my attention, and my heart.

He gave me nothing in return.

He claimed he still loved me, that he'd never leave me for another. That I was his one and only Deli-bear. I wanted to smack him every time he said shit like that. I also wanted to break down sobbing in his arms, begging him to love me again. I also wanted to grab him by the collar and smash my lips into his to try and convey how much I loved him. I also wanted to pack my bags and never look back. I also wanted to stay until the end of my days.

I stayed up as long as I could every night to greet him when he came home. Not like I had anything better to do. My friends urged me to leave him, they knew I could do so much better. Especially Luke, who tried his hardest to get me to come to stay with him instead. I wanted to. I also didn't want to.

It was like I was being pulled back and forth between two sides of my mind. One side urged me to stay, told me that he could change, told me he still loved me, at least a bit. The other yelled at me to leave him, to get out of there while I could and find someone who really cares about me. The side telling me to leave grew stronger and louder each day and I was finally fed up with it. With Evan. He didn't deserve me. He didn't deserve everything I had given him.

So I was leaving. Tonight. I had two suitcases almost completely packed full. I was just putting the last of my clothes into the last one, trying to get out before he came back, but I froze when I heard the door slam shut. I took a shaky breath and yanked the zippers closed on the suitcases. I grabbed them and heaved them off the bed, half-way running to the door of our shared bedroom when Evan suddenly appeared in the doorway, hair wet from the rain that must have started outside and his white button-up shirt open half-way, showing off his very, very well-defined chest. I gulped and quickly averted my eyes, knowing if I kept looking at him my resolve would crumble like a sandcastle at high tide.

"What's all this for, Deli-bear~?"

"I-I'm leaving, Evan. You come home late every night smelling like other men and women a-and you expect me to just--just stay?! I'm not gonna let you keep using me like this Evan! I'm done, I'll come back for the rest of my stuff later."

I tried to maneuver around him but one of his arms suddenly darted out, preventing me from going any farther. He grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb, tilting it up towards his face. He caught my eyes with his mesmerizing chocolate-brown eyes, they seemed to swirl almost, pulling me in with an inescapable force.

"Don't leave me, Jonny. You know I love you, I'll be better. I'll change my ways, just put the suitcases down and stay with me."

My heart beat unevenly, making me swallow thickly. Water droplets sparkled like diamonds in his soft raven locks and his soft, pink lips puckered slightly into a pout, drawing my gaze towards them. I inhaled a shaky breath, trying desperately to not fall for his charm like I had every other time. He snaked his muscular arms around my waist and leaned his head down towards my neck, kissing and nipping at the skin. My eyes rolled back into my head slightly and a shiver chased its way up my spine. God that felt good. Too good. His hands started roaming over my body and I distantly heard the thumps of the suitcases sliding out of my grasp and hitting the floor. My hands wrapped around this god-like man, feeling the corded muscle in his back.

"Stay Deli-bear~"

He nipped my earlobe and I sucked in a sharp breath, clutching him tighter to me. He pushed me back towards the bed, pushing me down so I was laying on my back while he crawled on top of me, peppering my jaw and neck with kisses.


"Think of all the good memories we have together. I love you, Jon, you're my one and only. Stay with me."

Memories flashed through my head of when we were younger, memories that filled me with warmth. Us sharing an ice cream cone together under the shade of a willow tree. Evan winning me the stuffed teddy bear at the carnival. Our first kiss. All of the long nights we'd stay up and watch the stars, talking to each other for hours on end.




"A-ah! N-n-n."



"That's my Deli-bear~"

...I'm your Deli-bear...

Hey everybody. If you're in a one-sided relationship where you're giving everything to that person but they're giving you nothing in return, it's time you left to find someone else. Don't hold yourself back with someone who will never show you the love and appreciation you deserve. 

I care about you guys, stay safe out there <3

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