~Vining While Drunk~(Krii7y)

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This is really small, but I had the idea and I couldn't help it. Literally the Vine above. Enjoy~

Jaren's POV-

So my amazing husband, John, decided it was a great idea to open a bottle of wine from our wedding a few months ago. And we proceeded to drink the whole bottle between us. And then John disappeared into our room telling me he had a surprise for me. Now I was sitting on the couch, just a biiiiiiiiiit drunk, wondering what the hell this surprise was.

"Baaaaaaaaabe, you reeeaaady for the surpriiiiiiiise?"

I giggled and raised my head, looking towards the hallway to our room.

"Of course bb, show me already!"


Suddenly John jumped out with two recorders in his hands, his platinum blonde hair tied back in a lopsided bun. The grin on his face lit up the room and made my heart flutter unsteadily.


He yelled this in an announcer's voice, and then promptly stuck the recorders in his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. My eyes widened as I stared at him in confusion, which quickly turned to laughter as he started playing John Cena's theme. I couldn't help it, I fell off the couch and started rolling around on the floor, laughing my ass off. It was probably helped along by the alcohol, but I would've found it hilarious with or without alcohol. He broke down laughing too, both of us wheezing and clutching at our sides.

"H-how di-id you *gasp* e-even th-th-think of *wheeze* that?!"

"I-I do-on't *wheeze* kn-know!!!"

"Y-you DORK!"

We were now on the ground with each other, still laughing. We couldn't choke out any more words, we couldn't stop laughing. Every time we'd get close to stopping, we'd look at each other and break down laughing again. I just couldn't get it out of my head, how did he even figure that out?! How did he even play the recorders like that?! After about five minutes of off and on laughter we finally stopped, panting and looking at each other. We both smiled at each other and I giggled, snuggling into his side. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his warmth while his warm breath fanned across my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I smiled and snuggled closer into his warmth as he started pressing little kisses to the top of my head.

"You're such a dork, John."

"But I'm YOUR dork."

"I know, John. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Goofball."

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