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Marcel's POV-

He seemed small against the white fluff that drifted down from the sky. Light brown hair in a sweep to his left. Small hands gripping the warm cup of coffee like it was his reason to live, steam drifting up and dissipating into the night air. A simple, slightly oversized, black coat and blue jeans graced his small features, cocooning him in warmth. He had a small, gentle smile on his face, pink lips looking soft and perfect in the dim light of the streetlamps. His eyes were closed, the color hidden behind long, black lashes that brushed the tops of his cheekbones, which were dusted with a light, alluring red from the cold. He swayed slightly, under the influence of the soft piano music that filled the air from the two men sharing one piano, smiling softly to themselves as they sat pressed together. The fountain gurgling in the background added another layer to the beautiful music floating through the air. It seemed to have put the man into a trance and I felt my heart beat unevenly at his beauty, only amplified by the wintery forest surroundings of the park we were in.

There were a few other people witnessing the performance, some couples and single people. I frowned every time they passed in front of the beautiful man I had been observing. I had seen him come to this park almost every night, and almost every night I watched him. Now, hear me out. I know that sounds really creepy and sus, but it's just because I was so fascinated by his beauty. He was handsome in an adorable way, I just wanted to squish his cheeks and kiss him over and over again.

But we'd never spoken a single word to each other. I'm pretty sure he didn't even know I existed. I'm not handsome like he is. People's heads don't turn when I pass, no one asks me out or even tries to talk to me. But this man...I don't even know his name, but I feel like I know him already. The men ended their piano performance to clapping, but I couldn't even peel my eyes away from the man.

Go talk to him, introduce yourself! You'll never know if this could lead to something if you don't try!

But that's suicide! He'll run away screaming from me, I'm sure of it! I don't wanna get rejected and never see this man again!

You'll never know if you don't try! TALK! TO! HIM!

But I don-

"Excuse me, sir?"

I whipped my head towards the sound of the voice, blinking my eyes in surprise when I saw it was the two men who had been up playing the piano. One was taller than the other, dark brown hair that fell to just below his ears and sparkling blue eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. The other had lighter-brown hair in a quiff and blue eyes as well. They held hands and leaned against each other, clearly a couple. The smaller man gave me a small smile and nodded towards the man I had been watching.

"Sorry, but we couldn't help but notice you've been watching a certain someone every time you're here. We wanted to tell ya...go talk to him. If Tyler had never come up to talk to me I would have never gotten up the courage to talk to him and we would have never gotten together. You gotta take the chance, man."

He had a light Irish accent and I sighed, biting my lip as I looked back towards the man to see him start to wander away, looking up at the flakes drifting down from the sky and getting caught in his soft hair.

"What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? I don't want to blow it."

"You won't know until you try bud. And if he says no, then it's better that you don't spend your life trailin after someone who can never return your feelings. Now go, before you miss your chance."

Something in his words gave me a spark of courage and I nodded, squaring my shoulders and marching off towards the man who was slowly getting farther and farther away from me. Soon I was partially jogging, trying to catch up as fast I could.

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