A Lover's War(H2OVanoss)

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Song is Dear Best Friend by Jetpack Jay(I think). I only changed the lyrics a bit, the bolded writing is what Evan wrote and the italic, bolded words are the lyrics. 

Evan's POV-

Dear Best Friend,

I hope that you're good. Genuinely good.

Since you've been gone it has not been easy.

I missed him. So, so much.

But I want to say thank you. Even though it broke me into a million pieces when you left, I want to say thank you.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have done the things I had. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met a lot of good people.

Even though I miss you every day, I want to say thank you.

It's been so long. He said he'd come back, but he won't.

Thank you for inspiring me. Inspiring me to face my fears.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have stepped up. I wouldn't have done anything.

You make me want to be better. You make me want to work on myself.

I saw my own good. I embraced it. Because I needed to.

And even though doing this without you by my side is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do...I'm doing it. And I wish you could see me.

I know this won't end well for me. It's hard, knowing I'm marching to my death. Knowing that he'll be upset with me. But he can't know until the end.

I wish you could be here to see me transform into this new person, but you're not here.

I wonder if, in a different world, he'd be proud of me. Of who I became.

I just hope you're proud of me. I'm not mad, I'm just...in pain.

It hurts to know I won't ever see him again. It hurts to know what he's become. But I didn't blame him.

But what's the sun without a little rain, right?

I blamed the world.

I once told you I could conquer the world with just one hand, as long as you were holding the other.

Funny, knowing the roles were reversed now. I tried my best. I really, really did.

Now all I have is the thought of you holding it.

I guess my best wasn't enough.

But I won't conquer the world.

I can't, but the thought of me will. My goals, my ideals...

No matter where you were, I have stayed strong and stood tall.

They'll live on when I can't anymore.

Because I know you wouldn't want to see me fall.

I hope he won't be there to see it. See my body.

Whatever success I've celebrated, I have always thought of you first.

Every battle won, every bit of ground recovered, I've thought of him. What he might have felt. What he might have thought.

Because you're my biggest inspiration, and I want you to be proud of me.

He never knew that I was doing this for him. It was for his own good, even if he didn't see it.

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