Good Things Fall Apart(Terrorsnuckle)

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Song is Good Things Fall Apart by Jon Bellion and Illenium.

Brian's POV-

I thought things were fine.

Why couldn't they be fine?

Did he really get my hopes up for so long...

Just to crush them?

Another tear slid down my face as I raised the bottle to my lips again. I heard a ding from my phone. Looked at the message. Broke down sobbing and downed the rest of the half-empty bottle.

Brocky: Hey guys! Wanted to let y'all know first, but I just got engaged!

There was a picture of him and some woman attached. His arm was around her waist and they both had a big smile on their face as she showed the camera her new diamond ring. The chat went off with congratulations as I put my head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably as I threw the bottle against the wall. It shattered into pieces, just like my heart and the many bottles before it.

Why couldn't that be me beside him, grinning like a fool? WHY?!

I grabbed another bottle from the six-pack that was half gone, popping the cap off and taking another long drink. Another ding. I glanced over at it. It was from Evan.

OwlBitch: You okay?

That one text sent me over the edge. I let out a cry of pain, the long, keening noise echoing through my empty house and back toward me. Am I okay? AM I OKAY?!

I shook like a leaf, taking another long drink from the bottle in my hand as memories that I was trying so hard to drown with alcohol came back.

I remember them all like they were yesterday. Brock asking me to be his boyfriend back in our senior year of high school, the popular kid asking the nerd out. I was shocked, to say the least. I wasn't his type, the girl in the picture was! I remember our first anniversary, going to college together, getting our first house together, starting YouTube together...

Five years. Five. Fucking. YEARS!


He broke up with me out of the blue, I had even planned on proposing the next day. I still have the ring on my dresser, damb it! He said it wasn't working out, that he didn't love me anymore. Did he ever love me, then? Was I nothing to him? Had I dedicated my heart and soul to a man who never cared about me?!

He broke up with me three months ago. I had tried so hard to stay strong, to move on and forget him. I couldn't. I couldn't just forget my feelings. So I tried to drown them in alcohol. I've been drinking more and more, trying so hard to dull the pain but it just. Wouldn't. WORK.

I let out something close to a demonic screech, grabbing the closest thing to me and chucking it at the wall. That ended up being a lamp. Fan-fucking-tastic. The glass shattered and bounced in all different directions. My house was dark, I had no energy to move and turn on the lights. I had no energy to do anything anymore. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I only moved to go to the store and get more alcohol and to record, which I had basically stopped doing at this point. I stared at the shards, remembering when I wasn't alone in this fucking hell hole of a house. I remembered when he would plod down the stairs, looking adorable in his half-asleep state. He'd give me a sleepy grin that made my heart skip a beat and would waddle over to me, draping his warm body over mine and mumbling something about cuddles. I'd laugh and kiss him gently before giving him the breakfast I had made for him. He'd light up when I would set it in front of him along with a fresh cup of coffee, eagerly grabbing the warm cup and taking a big gulp, and then yelp because he forgot that coffee was hot. I'd laugh and he'd pout and whine. I'd kiss him and pull him close to me. Eat with him and then cuddle when we were done.

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