The man that plays piano(Terrorcat)

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Song is a piano cover of Fireflies by Owl City. Please play when told, although honestly, I can't make you do anything. Play it whenever, or not at all. I don't care. This one-shot was a ship requested by DrPepperislife743. I hope you enjoy it :3

Brian's POV-

I watched him quietly from my position on a park bench. I came here every day at noon because of HIM. The man that plays piano. He was honestly very handsome. He had semi-tan skin that seemed to glow in the sun. He had dark brown hair that fell in waves to just below his ears. I had never gotten close enough to see his eyes, but I was sure they were just as beautiful as the rest of him. He was very tall and always dressed nicely. He clearly had good taste in fashion, and today was no exception. He had a gray sweatshirt underneath a black overcoat that fit him very well. He wore black jeans with black and white shoes. He had a pair of square glasses on today and I was content to just watch him.

Okay, that might sound a bit creepy, but he always came to the park at noon and played a few songs on the public piano by the fountain there. He was a good player and I always found myself caught up in the beautiful melodies and the way he held himself, as if he knew he had people's attention but would never crumble under it, as I would have. I've been listening to him play for nearly a month now and all I wished for was to be able to walk up, say hi, compliment him, maybe even get his name and number. I couldn't though. I had terrible anxiety and people always make me feel scared, like I could never get enough to breath. So I just quietly watched from my bench and wished for the ability to talk to him without freaking out.

He didn't play for as long today, just a couple of songs like Dance Monkey and Coffin Dance, and then a combination of the two that, oddly enough, worked very well. I watched as kids danced to his music and the warm smile on his face as he watched them have fun. I felt my own small smile form, happy to watch. He left after those three songs and the smile faded as I slowly got up too, going back to my small apartment I shared with another Irishman, a friend that came over with me. His name was David, he was pretty chill. When I got back he told me his boyfriend, Lui, was gonna be throwing a small party, just a few friends, and that him and I were invited. I knew Lui a bit, and had met his group of friends. They seemed pretty chill so I told myself to stop being a coward and get out of the house, er, apartment. I told him yes and the smile he gave me was worth it. I could tell he hadn't expected me to agree to it, he knew about my anxiety. He reassured me that it would just be a handful of people that I already knew, it would be fine.

It wasn't fine.

We went to the party at 8:00, when it was already dark. David had a car and I didn't, so I rode with him there and as soon as we pulled up to the house, I knew this wasn't gonna be good. Bright, vibrantly colored lights flashed from the windows and a pounding bass could be heard emanating from inside the house. I felt my heart seize but I forced myself to breath. In. Out. In. Out. David eyed me with a concerned expression.

"Ye don' have ta come in, ye know? I can take ye home, I didn' t'ink der would be dis many..." I shook my head and forced a smile to my face. I needed to face my fears, I couldn't hide away from people all the time. "No, I'll be fine David. C'mon, let's get in there, no need to waste anymore time!" He gave me a worried glance and sighed, nodding slowly.

"Fine. But if ye start to feel overwhelmed, jus' lemme know and I'll take ye home."

I nodded and we exited the warm car, the freezing wind tugging at my light jacket and making me shiver. We quickly hurried inside and I froze at the doorway. There were a LOT of people here. Gyrating bodies lined the halls and spilled out of the rooms, creating a hot, sweaty mass under a cloud of too-strong perfume and cologne with the added scent of B.O mixed in. David looked down at my wide-eyed, panicked expression and opened his mouth to say something when Lui appeared, three red solo cups balanced in his hands as he expertly wove through the bodies. He was a bartender, so I wasn't surprised. The cups were filled with a swirling brown liquid that carried the sharp smell of alcohol. He shoved one at both David and I and I took it only to avoid it spilling all over me. I didn't trust this stuff one bit.

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