He Keeps Me Calm(OhmToonz)

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Song is Level of Concern by Twenty One Piolets. Story was once again inspired by this song.

Ohm's POV-

The world was kinda fucked up right now. COVID and fires and riots and politics, it was all too much for me. It was hard for me to get through each day, they all started to creep by at a snail's pace. Quarantine was driving me up a wall and I couldn't turn on the radio or the T.V, or even look at the internet without seeing or hearing something and becoming depressed. The only thing keeping me sane was Luke. Luke was my saving grace during all of this, staying by my side and trying to help me however he could.

But he was away for today, taking care of some family issues. I was doing fine for a good portion of it and I actually thought I'd make it through the day and make it without Luke, but damb was I wrong. I was humming along to a song on the radio when it finished and launched into a news report. Another shooting, more riots, politics and more cases and more deaths...before I knew it I had sunk to the floor, sobbing. My emotions got the best of me, anxiety spiking. I wrapped my arms around my legs, clutching them close to me in a pitiful effort to hold myself together. My sobs echoed through the empty house and I yearned for the comfort of Luke's arms, for him to tell me that everything would be okay.

Somewhere in my misery I heard a door open and a voice call out into the house, but all I could do was sob. Footsteps echoed through the house as I rocked back and forth, tears streaming down my face and blurring my vision. Suddenly a pair of strong, warm arms wrapped around me, picking me up gently and holding me against a warm body.

"Sshhh, it's okay babe. I've got you, you're gonna be okay. I love you Ryan, you're safe and sound here with me."

I felt myself calming down at his gentle and soothing words. I curled against him, my tears staining his shirt. He took me to the couch, grabbing a blanket from the back of it and wrapping it around the both of us as he situated me in his lap. He wrapped one arm protectively around my waist while the other went up to my hair, his fingers twining in and out of my locks. He murmured sweet nothings in my ear as he continued to do it and slowly but surely I calmed down, my tears slowly halting. I cuddled into his side, ducking my head into his shoulder blade while I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, squeezing him tighter to me. He chuckled softly and pressed his lips against the top of my head. "Don't be sorry babe. Now, tell me everything you're feeling. I wanna help you however I can."

So I let it all out. I let it all go and told him my feelings about everything that was going on. I ranted to him for probably close to an hour, and he didn't interrupt, didn't seem bored or like he regretted anything. He looked calm and happy as we cuddled on the couch and I ranted, holding each other close.

Luke was my rock, my steady against the storm. He calmed me down and helped me realize that things would work out, as long as we had each other.

And that's all I need.

Here, have a short floofy chapter of a ship I forgot existed for a while lol. Damb, I'm just steam rollin these chapters out this week. Don't expect this to be a normal thing though heh. I wish I could have someone like how I portrayed Luke in this story. Oh well. Have a great day/night y'all, hope you're all doing absolutely wonderful .^.

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