A Losing Game(Daithi De Vanoss)

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This is a request by the amazing Rauralover19! Thank you for requesting this ship and liking my idea for this one, I hope ye enjoy :)

Song is Arcade by Duncan Laurence. I recommend listening to it on repeat, just because this'll be a long one and the song isn't long enough to fill it properly :3

Also, warning. Minor homophobia, explanation at the end. 

David's POV-

I was scared. Terrified, actually. I watched the ground speed towards me as I held onto the armrests tightly. In mere minutes I'd be seeing Evan and the other guys. The thought of seeing Evan's face sent both a thrill of excitement and a cold shiver of fear up my spine. I wasn't ready for this. Nowhere close. The plane touched down on the runway with a jolt, making me clench my hands even tighter on the armrests. I took a shaky breath in, watching the plane move down the runway and towards the gate.

I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this...

I can't do this!

As soon as the plane connected to the gate I was out of my seat, bolting down the aisle and shoving past the startled flight attendants. I grabbed my passport out of my pocket and showed it to the attendant at the end of the gate. She typed a few things into her computer, then smiled and motioned for me to go through. I gave her a quick smile before I sped past, b-lining it for a chair and sitting down, my leg bouncing in time to my speeding heart. I forced myself to take deep breaths and pulled my phone out with a shaking hand, turning off airplane mode. Notifications popped up, including one from Evan. I opened it, swallowing thickly as the text popped up.

Owl //^v^//-When you land, meet me by the Starbucks! The others are already here :)

Just landed, cya soon

Owl //^v^//-Sounds good! Shouldn't be hard to spot you, you tall fuck :D

Shut up, midget

Owl //^v^//-Ouch, tell me how you really feel lol

No thanks. I stuffed my phone in my pocket, taking a shaky breath in and fixing my shirt. I grabbed my suitcase from the baggage claim nearby and merged with the flow of people, shrinking in on myself as I went. I hated crowded places, and LA was one of the worst places.  Especially the airport. I followed the directory, and a lot of people, towards Starbucks. I spotted my friends before they spotted me. Tyler and Brian looked like they were arguing, Marcel, Brock, and Scott looked like they were discussing something civilly, Jaren and John were sneaking up behind some dude in a Hawaiian shirt with his back turned, what looked like whipped cream in both of their hands, and then there was Evan. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at him. He was scrolling through something on his phone, probably Instagram or Twitter or something like that. His black hair was pulled back in a small man bun, a Wildcat dad hat on his head. He wore a tight black Metallica tee and khaki shorts, white Converse All-Stars on his feet. My heart thudded unevenly in my chest and I had to remind myself to ignore the crush I had on him.

After all, loving him would be a losing game.

I started toward them, wincing as people halfway ran me over. I saw Evan look up, making a sweep of the people in the crowd. His brown eyes settled on me and his face lit up, that bright, beautiful smile lighting up the whole airport. He turned to the others, speaking excitedly to them and pointing at me. They all turned to look at me, except John and Jaren, who were snickering to each other as they prepared to pounce. The others all smiled and turned their attention to me. I gave a hesitant one back, shoving through the last couple of people and trotting over to them, the wheels of my suitcase clicking behind me. They all greeted me with warm embraces and happy smiles. I was able to relax a bit while I was surrounded by my friends, but I could never ignore the man who unknowingly held my heart in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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