If the world was ending (Terrorladd)

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Song is If the World Was Ending by Julia Michaels and JP Saxe. I've been getting a lot of inspiration with writing from songs and this is one of those instances. Play song whenever. Also, this was a ship request made by the amazing realemilytgi. Hope ya like it <3

Brian's POV-

I watched as fire and brimstone literally rained from the sky.

And here I was hoping that the end of the world WOULDN'T be in my lifetime. Just my luck...

Phone lines were down, radios were down, T.V is useless, internet was down...basically we're all alone unless we live with or near someone we love.

And the one I love hates me.

They were able to get one thing out before everything went dead. A giant asteroid was hurtling towards Earth and we were all gonna die. At least the asteroid was landing near me so I wouldn't have to deal with the suffering some would. I'd just die on impact.

What a weird thing to be happy about...now I really sound like a millenial heh.

I watched the street as people ran in a panic, as if that would help anything. I caught sight of a couple on a balcony holding each other close. My heart hurt as I saw them lean in to each other, kissing lightly.

I used to have that...until I went and fucked it up.

Craig Thompson. The love of my life, my one and only...and he hates me. At least that's the impression he gave after he walked out my door, slamming it in my face a little over three months ago. That was after we had an all out shouting match of a fight, including stuff being thrown and Craig breaking up with me. Since then I had wanted to talk, make up, but I was too much of a coward. I kept finding excuses not to. At first it was because I wanted to let him cool down. As time went on, I made the excuse that he was busy, or that he'd talk to me first. In the past couple of weeks I'd been thinking that now it was just too late and would seem forced, not sincere at all. Basically I fucked myself over multiple times. I frowned as I saw a piece of debris smash into a car, setting it on fire. It exploded a few seconds after.

If there was ever a time to reconcile, now is it.

I pulled my door open and was immediately hit with heat. I didn't care though as I started running. Craig only lived a couple blocks from me, I could make it.

I need to fix the worst mistake of my life before my life is over.

I ran through the streets like a mad man, shoving people aside and hurdling debris. I was drenched in sweat as I rounded a corner, Craig's house coming into view. I was panting by the time I got to his door, the heat worse than anything I had ever experienced before in L.A. I banged on his door, praying he'd answer. The door slowly opened to reveal a very surprised Craig.

Dear Lord I missed that beautiful face.

"Brian? What the hell are you doing here? Did you not notice the fiery rock raining from the heavens? Or did y-mph!"

I grabbed his shoulders, pulling him to me and slamming my lips against his. He froze in surprise and I quickly pulled back, wincing. "I'm sorry, but I needed to do that at least one more time before we all died. I'm sorry Craig. I'm sorry for everything. Ever since you walked out I've been wanting to talk to you, apologise for hurting you like I did, but I kept making excuses as to why I shouldn't. Really, I was just being a coward. I still love you Craig, I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry it took the end of the world to get me to apologise."

Craig looked at me in surprise. Then he suddenly grabbed my face and brought it to his, smashing his lips against mine. I was shocked to say the least, but I tilted my head, deepening the kiss and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I had missed this.

When we finally pulled apart for air he looked me dead in the eyes. He gave me a small smile. "I've been wanting to do that since I left. I forgive you Brian, I was being a hot-headed prick anyway. And ya know, I expect nothing less for how long it took for you to apologise. After all, I'm talking to THE Terroriser."

I rubbed the back of my neck a bit awkwardly. "So...since the world is ending and all, would you like to spend the rest of it with me?" He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "I'd love nothing more."

And with that we went around to a ladder he had in his backyard. We climbed up to the roof and situated ourselves in the crook of it, shielding us from debris and giving us a good view of the slowly burning L.A. We cuddled close together, spilling everything. Secrets, desires, fears, everything. We'd kiss every once in a while, just random little kisses. And from there we watched the world end.

At least we're together. And will be for the rest of our lives, heh.

I hope this is good. Sorry it took so long, I wanted to post it sooner but...unintentional breaks lol. 

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