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God DAMN.... I REALLY need some mental help for the way anime guys look TvT

Hinata would meet you in middle school when he barely had any experiences of volleyball. He overheard some people saying how you played like a pro and he wanted to see if it was true and he attended one of your games. He instantly realized you played like an ace and you TOTALLY deserved to be called a pro in volleyball and he saw how confident and daring and outgoing your personality was. He saw you like some sort of fiery goddess and he admired you 

Later on, with a bright and big cheery smile on his face, he asked you if you could maybe show him how you played volleyball so he could try learning from you to which you happily agreed to show your moves. Soon, he had a game against Kitagawa Daiichi and he was HELLA shocked when he found out that you were rooting for Kageyama 

After the game was done, (Kitagawa Daiichi won, sorry Hinata), he saw you and Kageyama laughing at something which literally just made his blood boil in anger and rage. He most DEFINITELY LOATHES and HATES Kageyama even MORE now 

In high school, you become the manager of the Karasuno volleyball team to Hinata's immense satisfaction but to his disgust, he literally hates that Kageyama is in Karusuno as well

This boi is extreme when it comes to you. He's either shy or intense around you and sometimes, he either acts like a lovestruck puppy, always clinging onto you and following you around or he acts like a middle school guy who just got his first crush

When it comes to rivals, I can't really see Hinata actually killing someone but he does like playing little pranks and tricks on the people he thinks who are trying to steal you away from him. But when he flies into a rage, oh boy... there's no stopping him and I have a feeling Yandere Deku and Yandere Hinata would get along PERFECTLY well with each other. If they actually MEET each other, they might have some killing spree contests for their darlings

Hinata would always treat you like a goddess and will NEVER EVER mistreat you. HECK, this dude won't even raise his voice at you

He is a VERY VERY DELUSIONAL ASF Yandere. He thinks whatever he's doing is good for you and for your safety. He will baby proof where he kidnapped you and is keeping you so that you won't injure yourself. Not even a plastic butter knife will be available in sight. He most CERTAINLY will NOT allow for you to reach for things that are really high, ESPECIALLY if you're standing on a stool or something. What if you trip and fall? You could get SERIOUSLY hurt and you might crack your skull! Don't worry, Hinata is there to take care of everything for you, all you have to do is just sit back and relax and not worry your pretty little head about anything 

He will understand that when he kidnapped you, you'd be sad and upset but he'll calm you down and assure himself that this is just a lover's spat and every couple goes through rough times and patches like these but you two will make up eventually and you'll learn to fall in love with him or he will MAKE you. As much as it breaks his little heart to see you cry and sob, he'll give you time to adjust to your new life 

As long as he has you by his side, everything's possible for this tangerine and he really wouldn't mind adding a little one to the mix since he's always wanted a family with you 

He is a VERY JEALOUS bby. If he sees anyone talking to you, he'll just drag you off away from them or stare creepily and silently at that person till they're creeped out by Hinata's death glare

He will try to learn EACH and EVERYTHING about your personality, like you likes and dislikes, your daily routine, what books you like reading, where you like to hang out and he keeps a check on those so called ''friends'' of yours and they literally irk him till no ends. Why do you need THOSE morons when you have HIM!? THEY would never love you as much as he does and he feels they're stealing you away from him and that's why he's going to try distancing them from you. Pretty soon your poor friends will be avoiding you like the Corona but don't worry, Hinata's there to comfort you and be your shoulder to cry on

Is they type of yandere who will leave love letters for you in your locker and wherever you go. Along with some little gifts of course 

When you act up or when you drive him over the edge, he'll just take a deep breath and sigh and stare at you for a couple of seconds with a blank expression and then he'll walk out of the room to cool off and to give you space. He will NEVER hurt you, that thought never occurred to him, not even in his nightmares. Should you try to escape from him, well.... things won't be good for you, that's all I can say. He'll have to lock you up in a room but don't worry, you'll still have your favorite things and cuddles from time to time after punishment is done

After your punishment, he'll tell you he had to punish you for your own good and gently stroke your hair and caress your cheeks lovingly and hold you in his strong arms and he'll be breathing down your neck and clinging onto you like the shrimpy version of a koala 

You can use his childishness and his love for you to help you escape but you'll have to be on your guard and alert and say the right things at the right time. Though Hinata might be a gullible yandere who's ready to do anything and everything for you, don't forget: He can recognize manipulation in a person's voice if you aren't careful. He'll be really hurt if he fins out you're manipulating him and gaining back his trust will take a REALLY long time 

GOD DAMN... My hand felt like it was gonna fall off TnT! Well, I hope you enjoy this trash and I'm REALLY SORRY if it's bad..... :( But, I'm STILL open for requests and I'll get them done but I'll need some time tho since these characters are SOOOO complicated. I'm still open for BNHA requests as well :)

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