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As usual, inspired by True Events and I hope you enjoy :)

There were no words or numbers to describe how sleepy or cranky you were. Or even how cold the atmosphere was at Darjeeling especially at 3:30 in the morning. What were you doing at 3:30 in the morning you ask? Good question. You were deep in sleep and you felt Asahi gently tap your shoulders and whisper "Love, you need to wake up. We're going to see the beautiful sunset at Tiger Hill'' and he cajoled and coaxed you out of bed after a few minutes. "Why are we going so early?" you rubbed your eyes sleepily and yawned. "The sunrise at Tiger Hill is supposed to be orange, the surroundings look like orange like a tiger and it's magnificent. I'm sorry I had to wake you up so early love, but I promise you that you'll love it. Also, I'm packing some sweaters and shawls, it'll be freezing out and I will not have you catching a cold''

"Meh, I'll be fine'' you said and got up from the bed as you brushed your teeth and showered. You'd never go out without taking a shower first. Asahi handed you some sandwiches and tea after you were done and you were kind of glad there was a heater in the hotel's room you were staying in. Else the place would be cold. After you were done eating and drinking your tea, it was time for you to leave. You were about to leave without wearing your jacket but Asahi stopped you and made you put it on since he knew it would be cold. You refused at first and he gave you a stern look and spoke "Then we won't go. I don't want you putting your health at risk'' and you grumped but muttered a 'Fine' and put on your jacket. Then you went to the car that was waiting for you both, courtesy of Asahi since he'd arranged for a trusted driver that wouldn't try any funny business and who was also someone he knew. So it would be all right

The car started and Asahi told you to sleep on his shoulder if you wanted to fall asleep again but you shook your head and said you were fine. You were a light sleeper and once someone disturbed your sleep, you couldn't go back to sleep no matter how much you tried to. You glanced out of the car's window, there was no sun in the sky but there was enough light for you to see your surroundings. You could see trees, hills and forests as far as your eye could reach. You hadn't seen this much of greenery before ever and you were amazed by the heavenly and panoramic view around you. Asahi was glad you were enjoying yourself. You guys reached Tiger Hill after a one and half hour drive and when you stepped out of the car, you wanted to take off your jacket but Asahi wouldn't let you do so and he threatened to make you wear a pair of earmuffs and gloves if you kept acting up which made you quiet immediately

You guys were waiting for the sun to rise and some people said it would rise at 5:00 am, some said at 5:15 since there was too much of fog all around and so you waited. You and Asahi took some pictures and admired the greenery around and had some Black Tea, which was famous at Darjeeling. You saw some other people going down and when you wanted to go as well, it was a bit steep for you. You tried going down but Asahi told you it was too dangerous but you tried going down anyways. You successfully managed to make it down and you felt proud of yourself. You admired the lush green scenery around you, felt the peace and serenity with the cold breeze around you. You snapped some pictures and when you tried to come back, you placed your foot on one of the rocks there for support. You tried to use your hands to level yourself but before you could do so, you lost your footing and you were about to fall bac down. Luckily Asahi caught you by the hand and dragged you back up in time checking you for any injuries after you came back up and he hugged you and spoke "Don't do something like that ever again, I was so worried for you'' and you nodded. Truth be told you were a bit nervous as well but you felt safe in Asahi's arms

Time was ticking by and the mist was starting to clear and the clouds were starting to become more clearer and visible. You still didn't see the sun even though it was getting close to 5:05, it was still as cold as ever, penguins could fly in during the summers. It was so cold even though you came during the summer season, you wondered how cold it would be during the monsoon season and the winter season. People said that you'd also be able to see the 3rd highest mountain in the world and the 1st highest mountain in all of India, Kangchenjunga. Unfortunately since there was a lot of mist around you couldn't see Kangchenjunga nor the sun for that matter. Asahi asked one of the people who served tea why the sun wasn't rising and she replied it was because you guys came during the wrong time. if you'd come during the month of September or October it would be visible but you guys came during the month of June

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