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Control. Control is a illusion we all have but when that illusion of ours snaps, it's quite unpredictable really. You didn't know when your family got so toxic. You were the only kid of what used to be a really loving family, with your parents. Things were all right at first, you all took trips to Disneyworld, saw places like Switzerland, Italy etc. etc. As you started getting older your parents started fighting more often and you didn't understand the reason why. Weren't your parents always supposed to love each other? If they did, then why were the fighting like this?

One night after a really bad argument your mother had with your father, you crawled out of bed and you looked up at her with those wide innocent eyes of yours and asked her "Mommy, why are you both fighting?" and she couldn't possibly explain why she was fighting with her husband, to you, you were just a kid. So she replied "Daddy made a mistake and mommy needs to scold him, else he won't learn'' and ever since then, their arguments with each other became more frequent. You were impressed and disgusted with their dual nature at the same time. No matter how much they fought with each other, they always kept up their public appearance with all their fake smiles, fake laughs and pleasantries with them and the others. Then they come back home and start talking about how most of them were douches anyways, why bother even going to a party if it was filled with douches was your question. Sadly no one bothered to answer it till date

As you started growing older, your parents became more distant from you and you didn't mind it too much. You preferred to be independent anyways and you were tired of always hearing them fight with each other. Sometimes, not even blasting the music really high helps. Of course, as you were growing older, your studies also became much harder and you tried to do your best but sometimes, setbacks were needed in life. When your mother saw your marks for one of your tests, she was immensely dissatisfied and she threw them aside and scolded you. "WHAT SORT OF MARKS ARE THESE? EVEN A COUNTRYSIDE COMMONER CAN DO BETTER THAN YOU WITHOUT STUDYING! DO YOU EVEN READ THE QUESTIONS FOR GOD'S SAKE?" but you weren't going to tolerate this nonsense from her like that and you fired back. "Oh really? Call one then, then we'll see who can do better. You haven't even been there for me whenever I have doubts anyways so you're in no place to judge'' and your mother replied "Don't be ungrateful, we're working for you and these are the marks you get?'' and your father sighed and replied "Stop fighting at the dinner table. Y/N, you'll be inheriting my company soon and you better raise your damn grades, I will not have you scoring such pathetic scores'' and you glared at him and replied "What if I don't WANT to inherit your so called company? Keep all your money and property to yourself, I just want to write books and get them published'' and your dad sipped his tea and replied "You won't get anything from writing stories all day in an Air conditioned room. You need money to survive don't you? Authors barely earn anything and barely afford peanuts'' and you replied "I'm not in this for the money, I'm not so money minded like the two of you'' and you stormed off to your room as you felt frustrated and sat on your bed. At this point you were numb, you could barely even feel anything, feelings and emotions were what made people lose their sanity anyways. Love was a disease that could not be cured. You promised yourself that you wouldn't fall in love with anyone however, fate had different plans for you

Sugawara saw you and you caught his interest. He was infatuated with you and obsessed with you, not even words or numbers can describe how much he's obsessed with you. He's always seen you so dedicated, hardworking and determined to perform your best and he also sees you writing in a little black book every now and then. What was that book you were writing in? Was it a diary of some sort? Were you writing about your crushes? Were you writing about him by chance? He simply HAD to know, the suspense would kill him if he didn't find out what you were writing in that black book of yours

So, as you were all in the gym doing volleyball practice with the other Karasuno members, he snuck into the classrooms, found your bag and when he opened your book, he was surprised to see short stories of your own and ideas for some of your novels and books you wanted to publish in the future. Your writing was really good, you could actually become an awesome author. But of course, he'll also get immensely jealous when people praise you a lot and thinks they're trying to steal you away from him. When you admitted to Sugawara that you liked writing and you'd someday love to get your books published, he pretended not to know that and he smiled at you and replied "I'm sure you'll be an awesome author'' and you smiled back at him and replied sadly "Yeah well, my parents don't seem to think so'' and he frowned at that. Were your parents abusive? What sort of no good parents don't allow their child to do something they like?

He stalked you and followed you home and when your mother was done scolding you for your poor scores in a Math test, she slapped you hard across the face, something she hadn't ever done. "I should have put you in a boarding school a long time ago, you would have learnt some discipline. You take everything for granted'' and you yelled back at her. "THEN WHY DON'T YOU DO IT!? YOU'VE ANYWAYS BEEN THREATENING TO SEND ME TO ONE SINCE I WAS FREAKING 9! THAT'S SOMETHING YOU DON'T SAY TO A 9 YEAR OLD KID!" and before you could storm off into your room, your mother spoke "We have a business meeting with a client and you better be on your best behavior. We shouldn't lose this deal because of your insolence'' as she walked out from the room

You angrily muttered under your breath something about how your parents cared about their work more than you and other angry stuff and when Sugawara saw your miserable and down cast expression as he witnessed everything with his own eyes, he was a mix and a range of emotions. He was sad and upset to see you so miserable and also really angry at the way your mother scolded you like that. His heart clenched unpleasantly when you let a few tears fall from your eyes as you whispered to yourself "Why am I not good enough?" He wanted to storm right in and envelope you into a hug and tell you that you were perfect the way you were, nothing needed to be changed about you and he loved you immensely for the way you were. He so badly wanted to be there with you and comfort you, that's when it clicked Sugawara. You were using writing as a form and means to escape from the real world, by writing short stories and novels and stuff, you were trying to create your own happy ending at least for your characters and trying to forget about reality

How could he have been so stupid and clueless to miss something like that? He felt his heart break and he felt even more heartbroken for you when you came to school the next day and cried on Sugawara's shoulder, telling him that your parents were on the brink and verge of getting a divorce. Apparently the word he'd had with the so called client to reject their proposal could be the cause but he wanted your parents to learn a lesson, not to neglect you like this. That's when Sugawara realized that he had to take extreme measures in his own hands and get you away from that toxic and hellish environment for good. Even if he had to kidnap you then so be it, he was going to be your savior, your knight in shining armor. After all, what good of a guy would he be if he can't protect and save the love of his life?

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