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I have a feeling he'll try asking you out the normal way first and he won't kidnap you off the bat. At least... not yet. You guys might actually have a normal realationship

As a yandere I can see him being completely obsessive and kinda delusional too. Oh, and he might guilt trip you at times but he won't really realize that he'd doing so. So, in other words, he's an extreme yandere

He will not try to harm you physically or anything but he'll be like your personal shadow, constantly being around you either directly in front of you or 'making sure you're safe' which in other words means stalking

I can se him roping his best friend Tanaka into trying to win your heart and yes, Tanaka would already have the general idea that his friend is a nutty psychopathic whackadoodle

Even if you keep trying to avoid him you know how persistent he is. Once he's determined to get something he wants, he most certainly will do it and just like how he always seems to stalk and chase after Kiyoko in the anime, he'll be doing that to you except ten times more than that

I have a feeling he'll try asking you out the normal way first and he won't kidnap you off the bat. At least... not yet. You guys might actually have a normal relationship but then you'll start seeing the red flags of danger around him. Like the other day when someone had put their arm around you, you could see literal murder in his eyes and Noya here was about to beat the guy up till you pulled him back and had to calm him down. Since then you were trying to be... cautious around him. He had a crazed maniacal look in his eyes that scared you whenever you thought about it and would leave you shuddering in fear at times

Speaking of being in a relationship, this guy here takes clinginess to a whole nother level. Like seriously, he refuses to let go of you, always following you like your shadow, being with you every single place you go. If you ask him to shoo or go somewhere else he'll just give you the expression of a kicked puppy and start on how lonely he is and his best friend already has a girlfriend and he's spending more time with her and he has no one and he'll be going on and on listing out things that'll obviously make you feel sorry for him and in the end you'll be tolerating his presence and he'll be super smug about it. Sly prick

He's actually smart for a yandere believe it or not. He might act like a complete doofus at times but all that silly act to make you laugh was fake. Deep down he's a lovesick murderer who'll kill anyone who tries stealing you away from him

Boi here will kidnap you if he thinks you're going to leave him or if you're being constantly hit on. So don't be too surprised or shocked to wake up with chains or ropes around you and you being chained to a bed or a chair or something. Yes, he most certainly will chain you and tie you up unfortunately

He absolutely loves and adores your scared expressions and your desperate attempts to get away from him, but darling give it a rest, you'll be trapped with him for life. Despite him not too fond of commitment he'll make an effort with you and he'll try making you comfortable. But beware of his mood swings, he has the emotional range of a tea spoon (I'll leave it to y'all to guess the reference), his only emotions being crazy love for you and anger to those who try taking what's his

When it comes to punishments he will become a literal beast not caring if you're comfortable with doing things or not, his words alone are enough and scar you for a really long time and he'll be HELLA scary during punishment time. Huh, no wonder he's called the 'Rolling Thunder' but the after care will be nice. He'll make YOU say sorry for what you've done and then he'll cuddle with you and tell you how he's just trying to keep you safe and protect you. But we all know that's a complete lie. When it comes to rivals, he'll be even scarier and he'll give them a really painful and gruesome death. Might even kill some of their family members too if he deems necessary and yeah, he'll have Tanaka's help at times too

Overall as a yandere boi here will be really scary TvT I vote him as an 8 or 9/ 10

I know this sucked, sorry and I'm still open for requests :)

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