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Requested by @hey_brosXx and I hope you enjoy :) I'm so sorry for disappearing for so many days, I really needed a break from writing and now I'm back in the business, pleased to be back :)

Kita as a yandere would be clingy, obsessive and possessive of you. And of course, he's also a really sweet yandere for you, so sweet that you'll either get diabetes from his sweetness or you'll just gag from how sweet he is for you. He loves you a lot, in so many different ways that not even words or numbers can comprehend how much he loves you. He's also a gentleman to you, bringing you your favorite food whenever you're feeling hungry, giving you a coat to wear when you're feeling cold and stuff like that 

Ironically he's actually really secretive about his feelings towards you but sometimes he does feel conflicted. At one hand he wants to tell you how he feels about you and the sooner he makes you his the better, at least the chance of some other random moron stealing you away from him would be literally zero percent. But at the same time he's also worried that he'll damage the friendship and the special bond you both have with each other by him confessing his feeling for you, what if you reject him? It'll just make things awkward and he doesn't want to lose you so he's feeling conflicted. He's also a yandere who's aware about his feelings for you, he's unable to get you out of his head and his thoughts mainly comprise of you and your actions during the day. At first he thought it was a simple crush on you and there was no harm in having a crush on you but as time went by, his feelings of love for you started growing much deeper and more obsessive. He knows his feelings for you are getting out of hand and he's sinking and delving into a mad obsession for you but he can't help it, the way you smile and laugh at him, you make him feel really special 

Surprisingly he isn't OVER protective of you, he's just protective of you that's all. He doesn't baby you or anything and treat you like a little kid, he knows you're capable of defending yourself and taking care of yourself. He'll only be protective of you in dire situations and scenarios like if you're sick or someone's ogling at you in the wrong manner in which case he won't spare them at all and he'll fire away at them with his words and will send the other person running in the other direction with literal tears in their eyes. Of course he won't do that in front of you, he has an image and a reputation to maintain in front of you after all and doesn't want you thinking bad of him

We all appreciate someone who can hold their jealousy in don't we? Well, that's Kita here for you. He can mask his feelings and hide his feelings of jealousy pretty well it gives him an advantage for many situations. But just because he's containing his feelings of jealousy when some random dude is talking to you that doesn't mean he likes it or he's too fond of the sight. He can't help but gain a sense of discomfort when you're talking with the other person and if you're laughing or smiling at them he wants to come over there immediately and wants to know what EXACTLY made you smile and laugh like that. But he doesn't because you'll think negatively of him and he doesn't really want to make a scene in front of you like some 4 year old whining kid for a piece of candy or something. But if he's no longer able to contain himself he'll distract you from the other person and make them look really awkward and look like complete and utter fools in front of you. And THEN he'll make it clear that he was jealous, he prefers to voice out his opinions and thoughts rather than being aggressive about it(Unlike a certain salty salt shaker beanstalk with glasses and has the ego of a god)

He's also one of the most rational yanderes to have and there are chances that you'll actually have a normal and regular relationship with him instead of him kidnapping you. He wants you to like him first before he kidnaps you. He doesn't storm forward without proper planning, whatever he does, he plans and thinks carefully for a while before taking a step. He isn't even that fond of the idea of kidnapping you too much since he wants to settle down with you, get married to you and maybe have a few kids of yours running around here and there, you know, a family

If at all he does end up kidnapping you it'll actually be a valid reason. Say your home life isn't really that great or you could be in danger from someone, that's when Kita decides to play your guardian angel and takes you for himself for your own good. He knows it'll take a long time for you to adjust to your new life and surroundings with him so he'll be willing to give you as much time as you need to get comfortable. He'll even bring in all your favorite stuff as well to make you feel more at home and at ease. He's going to be really soft with you and treat you like a piece of glass, about to break at any given moment. He doesn't want to tie you up either, it'll make you feel like a hostage so you'll be roaming free wherever he's decided to keep you. However you won't be able to escape though because the doors and windows are blocked for escape and there's also a strong surveillance system for your safety

He won't really blame you for running away, you're obviously scared. He'll just sigh like a disappointed dad and treat your wounds asking you why it's so hard for you to love him when he loves you so much. If there's something more he needs to do for you to prove his love then please let him know, he can't stand you being away from him. As much as he can be calm and composed and collected, I'd advice you to not test his patience too much. But even when he snaps at you for your bad behavior, all he'll do is just lock you in a room and he'll ignore your cries and pleas for forgiveness as much as it hurts him it's for your own good. You need to learn from your mistakes so you won't make them again 

In general he's a harmless yandere to have and he'll be pretty chill to have as a yandere 

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