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This was requested by a lot of people and I hope you guys enjoy :) 

Akaashi never really believed in the concept of love, he had mixed feelings about it. He wasn't a believer of love at first sight either. He felt like he was incapable of loving someone but he did care for his team mates even though he acted all aloof and indifferent around them. You were a classmate of Akaashi and you've watched him practice. He doesn't know why his heart flutters and there's a warm feeling in his heart whenever he sees you clapping and cheering for him. He tries to ignore the erratic heartbeat of his heart but it just won't seem to go away when you're around him. What sort of magic did you enchant him with to make him feel like this? 

He soon gets to know that he's falling for you and day by day, his feelings for you keep delving into a chasm of madness and obsession. Truth be told, his obsessive feelings for you scared him. He's a yandere who's aware of his feelings and he knows his feelings for you are spiraling out of control and so he feels guilty. He tries not to think about you but your musical laugh and the way you always cheer him on makes him believe he can accomplish anything in life, as long as he had you by his side. He knows it's unhealthy to want someone all to themselves, so much to a point where they're willing to hurt other people who dared to hurt you, his beloved angel 

His feelings for you will eventually get the better of him, ruling out all rational thoughts and logic he once used to have. Now his thoughts mainly comprise of you and what you could be doing at the moment or who you could be with and wondering whether or not if you're safe. He keeps thinking of you even when he goes to bed as well, he wonders if you're getting enough and the adequate amount of rest, eating properly and drinking water and stuff like that. He radiates this concerned and strict dad who cares about you vibes. One time you didn't bother eating your lunch since you were busy working on an assignment. The deadline was after a few days but you wanted to get a head start so you could be free to do some other stuff you liked. Akaashi didn't see you eating your lunch and he was growing concerned, where the hell were you? He knew you'd be in the library since it was your favorite place and sure enough when he went there he saw you writing something 

He pulled a chair and sat next to you as you looked up and smiled at him "Oh, hey Akaashi. Why aren't you having your lunch?'' you asked him. For a split second he thought he forgot how to talk, oh the things your smile did to him. However his concern was you not eating your lunch and that snapped him out of his momentary trance. "I should be asking you that question, why aren't you having your lunch?" he asked and you answered "Oh, I forgot my lunch and besides I'm completing that assignment we have in English. Better to do it now than later right?" you chuckled to yourself but Akaashi handed you his lunch and told you to eat. "W-what? But what about you?" and he replied "I can manage, you need to eat. It's not healthy for you to skip lunch like this'' and he made a mental note to always have a snack in hand ready for you if you ever forgot your lunch again in the future. You refused at first but when he lectured you, you finally took a bite from his lunch only after he promised to eat with you. He was happy you wanted to spend time with him and wanted to eat with him. So, from now on you both would always have your lunch together 

He's like a fussy mother hen, providing you with food if you forget, making sure you drink water and hydrate yourself every now and then and if you forget he's always there to remind you. Oh boy, you really do need him to take care of you, you're not taking care of yourself properly. He also has a little book that records you and your day to day activities and your schedules. He makes note of literally everything from what time you wake up to that apple you had the other day for a snack and even your bedtime, which according to him is very late indeed. Expect him to have a word about your late sleeping schedule later on. He's also the silent observer, he makes notes of who all you hang out with and if there's anyone who he doesn't like he'll warn them to stay away from you. If they get the not so bright idea to ignore his warnings then he'll literally kill them. He doesn't want anyone stealing you away from him after all, he loves you too much 

You can expect Bokuto to be his wingman. He'll give him updates on who all you talk to and what all you do, he snitches on your every move and act. He's also the guy who gets rid of any evidences after Akaashi's done the killing. He'll also set you guys up together and bring you both even more closer. Akaashi is a damn good stalker, it's like he melts and disappears into the shadows and acts like your guardian angel. Making sure you get home safe. If at all he ends up kidnapping you which will be only when he's nervous about you leaving him he'll become paranoid and abduct you when you're sleeping. It's a good thing you're a heavy sleeper, Akaashi will silently enter your room and carry you off into the night to his place without using any chloroform or sleeping pills or whatever and gently lay you down on his bed and kisses your forehead 

When you wake up you'll most certainly be confused about the turn of events which he doesn't blame you for at all. He'll understand if you want to cry, scream and even hit him. He'll just be a bit sad and disappointed but it's all right you need some time to adjust to your new life with him. He won't really restrict anything you do and even if you feel like resuming your old hobbies and activities as long as they're not dangerous he'll encourage you to do so. He'll even join in as well. Oh, and expect the house to be baby proofed and there won't be so much as a plastic butter knife out since he's worried and paranoid you'll get hurt. If you try escaping from him he'll find you and just sigh and ask you why isn't he good enough for you. He'll then tighten the bolts and locks around so you won't be able to escape. But the bright side is that he'll even take you out sometimes since he knows it'll be boring as hell for you to stay cooped up indoors all day long with barely anything to do. He wants to comfort you by hugging you and being there for you, his nicknames for you will include 'Love', 'Darling and 'Sweetheart' 

You might actually develop Stockholm Syndrome for him on your own since he's just so charming and kind and caring. He'll never hurt you or even raise his voice at you, he's actually a blessing to have as a yandere if I do say so myself

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