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Christmas was done and now there were only a day away from New Year's Eve and then it would finally be a New Year, with new beginnings and new chapters and fresh starts

You couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by this fact, as you were writing in your diary, how the year would end. True, last year wasn't really the best year you've ever had, there was a lot of drama filled in in it too, but on the bright side, you also had some awesome memories you shared with your friends and family and your loved ones

Just as you were thinking all this, your phone pinged and indicated that there was a notification, someone sent you a message. You were snapped out of your chain of thoughts as you glanced at your phone and saw your best friend Sugawara Koushi text you. 'Hey love, hope you didn't forget, we have to see the fireworks at the New year's festival today'' and you smiled and texted back 'Nope... haven't forgotten. So, what are you doing?' 'Nothing much, just wishing how I could spend my time with you' and you couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed and flustered when he said it. Why was he saying this all of a sudden? 'I know, everyone wants a piece of the great Y/N💅😉' and you started giggling

Sugawara smiled at what you sent but his smile quickly turned into a frown, he couldn't let anyone else steal you away from him, he had to show you how he felt. And today, was going to be the golden opportunity for him to show you how he felt about you, it's been way too long that you've been seeing him as a friend, but tonight, you were going to be seeing him as your future husband, the one who'll always keep you safe, happy and sound no matter what. Sugawara made a New year's resolution, never to let you get away from him and damn right was he going to fulfil it

The both of you texted back and forth for a while till you saw the time and you told him you had to get ready for the New year's eve festival that was in your town and Sugawara let you go. You quickly tossed your phone aside and you glanced at your clothes, you didn't want to wear something that was old, yet you didn't want to wear something that would be too bright either. You finally settled on wearing a red colored Kimono since you've never got the chance to wear it ever since you bought it at a store a few weeks ago. You didn't waste time with putting makeup and you dashed out of the door, eagerly waiting to meet Sugawara

Meanwhile Sugawara's heart was pounding excitedly, he couldn't wait to meet you and hold your hand throughout the festival and the final big moment he's been waiting for.... kissing you at the fireworks, it would be really romantic. He heard you calling his name and when he looked up, his jaw literally dropped, you looked so stunning and beautiful, like a porcelain doll, soft, pretty and fragile. "Wow.... you look....'' he started but you nervously fidgeted with your dress and you completed the sentence for him. "Like a clown, yeah I know... I don't know what I was thinking to wear this'' you muttered and his heart couldn't help but shatter and break when you said that

Looks like Sugawara had another New year's resolution, to make sure to give you enough love and affection so you wouldn't doubt yourself, ever. He didn't like it when you doubted yourself and your looks, you were simply amazing and womanly/manly in his eyes, and he'd do whatever he can to show you. "No... you look beautiful'' and his face was red. "Thanks. You look quite handsome too'' you smiled at him and his heart started racing a million miles per second, wait a minute.... did you just call HIM HANDSOME?!!

On the outside, he was trying to keep a cool exterior but inside, he was going through a literal roller coaster, his crush just called him handsome! He stuttered out a thanks and the both of you went to the New year's festival. You played games, ate a lot of things and even went on a giant Ferris wheel there. All through the time, like Sugawara had promised himself, he was holding your hand. And each time you went to a particular stall, he kept glaring at people around you so they wouldn't try anything funny and try stealing you away from him, he had to be protective of you, what if something happened to you, it was a crowded area there were many people there who could harm his little love, aka. you

You told Sugawara you always wanted to release one of those red lanterns in the sky and he wanted to make sure that dream and wish of yours would get fulfilled. He took you to a place where they were selling those lanterns and when you were busy checking the lanterns out, he saw the shopkeeper checking you out and his blood started boiling, he was starting to get mad yet he had a friendly and threatening smile on his face as he told you he'd get you cotton candy after you were done. You picked out your lantern and paid for it, as Sugawara gripped the man's hands and whispered something that made him pale. You of course, didn't have any idea about it since you weren't even looking that side

Soon, it was time for the fireworks to start and it would finally be the start of a new year. You were waiting for the fireworks and everyone around you began the countdown. '10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!' people around you yelled and you yelled with them, Sugawara and you released the lantern in the air and Sugawara asked you if he could do something. You nodded and he asked you if he could kiss you, you blushed but you agreed. He pulled you closer to him, gently placed his lips on yours and it was like time stopped for the both of you. The kiss was sensual, passionate and sweet as you could still hear the fireworks going off

You pulled back after a few moments and you leaned on his shoulder to watch the rest of the show, holding his hand. Sugawara had no intention of letting you go now that you were his and it looked like this New year was off to a good start

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